【問題】The Design of Everyday Things?推薦回答

作者:Hendren, Sara

A fascinating and provocative new way of looking at the things we use and the spaces we inhabit, and an invitation to imagine a better-designed world for us all. The built world--furniture and tool...

作者:Drimmer, Stephanie Warren

Who invented pizza? Why do people shake hands? Why do we wear underwear? You'll find the answers to these questions and more in this new series from National Geographic Kids Ever wonder how basketb...

作者:Valvano, Jonathan W.

This book is self-published and is printed on demand. The original ISBN was generated in 2012, but if you purchase the book new from CreateSpace or Amazon you will get the new version, which was up...

作者:MacArthur, John

In this fresh and authoritative account John Macarthur presents the eighteenth century idea of the picturesque - when it was a risky term concerned with a refined taste for everyday things, such as...


英文版銷售25萬冊,授權全球15種語言版本 拒絕令人崩潰的不良設計   如果你是設計師,請為產品的易用性而奮鬥。如果你是使用者,請支持安全、實用又賞心悅目的好設計。   如果在旅館裡弄不清楚怎麼開水龍頭,或者面對不熟悉的瓦斯爐或電燈開關時,即使再聰明的人也會手足無措。認知科學家唐納‧諾曼大膽地指出,錯不在我們,問題出在忽略了基本心理學的不良設計。雖然拙劣的設計俯拾即是,但是要設計出容易...

作者:Berkun, Scott

In this new paperback edition of the classic bestseller, you'll be taken on a hilarious, fast-paced ride through the history of ideas. Author Scott Berkun will show you how to transcend the false s...

作者:Tinio, Pablo P. L. (EDT)/ Smith, Jeffrey K. (EDT)

The psychology of aesthetics and the arts is dedicated to the study of our experiences of the visual arts, music, literature, film, performances, architecture and design; our experiences of beauty ...

作者:Both, David

Reveals and illustrates the awesome power and flexibility of the command line, and the design and usage philosophies that support those traits. This understanding of how to extract the most from th...

作者:Woodward, James

In Making Things Happen, James Woodward develops a new and ambitious comprehensive theory of causation and explanation that draws on literature from a variety of disciplines and which applies to a ...

作者:Pelton, Joseph N./ Singh, Indu B.

Hackers, cyber-criminals, Dark Web users, and techno-terrorists beware This book should make you think twice about attempting to do your dirty work in the smart cities of tomorrow.Scores of cities...

作者:Horvath, Joan/ Hoge, Lyn/ Cameron, Rich

Pull back the curtain on making fun and innovative costumes and accessories incorporating technologies like low-cost microprocessors, sensors and programmable LEDs. Fashion tech can require skills ...

作者:Potter, Carissa

From Carissa Potter, whose stationery and gift line, People I've Loved, has been featured on Design Sponge, Cool Hunting, and Apartment Therapy. Times can get tough, and this book is here to suppor...

作者:Smith, Judah

Judah Smith, New York Times bestselling author of Jesus Is ____, helps readers understand what steals their peace of mind and outlines the path to peace and fulfillment: understanding and implement...

作者:Tinnell, John

In 1991, Mark Weiser and his team at Xerox PARC declared they were reinventing computers for the twenty-first century. The computer would become integrated into the fabric of everyday life; it woul...

作者:Niku, Saeed Benjamin

This book is about the role of some engineering principles in our everyday lives. Engineers study these principles and use them in the design and analysis of the products and systems with which the...

