【問題】The Alchemy of Finance?推薦回答

作者:Soros, George

New chapter by Soros on the secrets to his success along with a new Preface and Introduction.New Foreword by renowned economist Paul Volcker"An extraordinary . . . inside look into the decision-mak...

作者:Soros, George

GEORGE SOROS runs Soros Fund Management with its flagship vehicle, Quantum Fund, a Curaçao-based investment firm headquartered in Manhattan. Quantum gained 68.6% in 1992 and 61.5% in 1993, and has ...

作者:喬治 · 索羅斯

  勇於犯錯,縱使判斷失敗也能勇於反轉部位;   毫不手軟,嗅到良機必用槓桿重押來積極回應;   先發制人,總是先投資再研究而不浪費一絲機會;   看似無跡可尋,卻憑一己之力造就了量子基金年均報酬超過三十%的驚人紀錄;    引爆亞洲金融風暴、擊垮英格蘭銀行的幕後推手,另一面卻是個徹徹底底的大慈善家。   ——這就是歷史級投機客喬治 · 索羅斯一生不凡的投資寫照     ◆ 金融史上首部以「...

作者:Tett, Gillian

From award-winning Financial Times journalist Gillian Tett, who enraged Wall Street leaders with her news-breaking warnings of a crisis more than a year ahead of the curve, Fool''s Gold tells the a...

作者:George Soros

  George Soros堪稱目前全球最具實力且獲利最高地投資人。《商業周刊》尊稱他為「憾動市場的人」。他曾經放空英鎊而賺進數十億美元,甚至有人說他拯救了英國人脫離經濟衰退。Soros不僅是金融家,也是思想家。在《金融煉金術》一書中這位傑出人士透露了使他受封為「基金經理超級巨星」的投資策略。  此外,Soros更以梭羅斯基金會(The soros Foundation)的機構大力支持人道活...

作者:King, Mervyn

Something is wrong with our banking system. We all sense that, but Mervyn King knows it firsthand; his ten years at the helm of the Bank of England, including at the height of the financial crisis,...

作者:Soros, George/ Gardner, Grover (NRT)

作者:Stephenson, Neal/ Prebble, Simon (NRT)/ Pariseau, Kevin (NRT)

A chronicle of the breathtaking exploits of "Half-Cocked Jack" Shaftoe--London street urchin turned legendary swashbuckling adventurer--risking life and limb for fortune and love while slowly madde...

作者:Soros, George/ Gardner, Grover (NRT)

作者:Farrell, Joseph P.

Physicist and Oxford educated historian Joseph P. Farrell continues his best-selling series of expos s on secret Nazi technology, Nazi survival, and post-war Nazi manipulation of various manufactur...

作者:Stephenson, Neal/ Prebble, Simon (NRT)/ Pariseau, Kevin (NRT)

A chronicle of the breathtaking exploits of "Half-Cocked Jack" Shaftoe--London street urchin turned legendary swashbuckling adventurer--risking life and limb for fortune and love while slowly madde...

作者:Stephenson, Neal/ Prebble, Simon (NRT)

A chronicle of the breathtaking exploits of "Half-Cocked Jack" Shaftoe--London street urchin turned legendary swashbuckling adventurer--risking life and limb for fortune and love while slowly madde...

作者:Stephenson, Neal/ Prebble, Simon (NRT)/ Pariseau, Kevin (NRT)

In the year 1714, the world is a most confused and unsteady place -- especially London, center of finance, innovation, and conspiracy -- when Daniel Waterhouse makes his less-than-triumphant return...

作者:Stephenson, Neal/ Prebble, Simon (NRT)/ Pariseau, Kevin (NRT)

In the year 1714, the world is a most confused and unsteady place -- especially London, center of finance, innovation, and conspiracy -- when Daniel Waterhouse makes his less-than-triumphant return...

作者:Farrell, Joseph P.

In this latest installment of his remarkable series of books of alternative science and history, Joseph P. Farrell outlines the consistent pattern and strategy of bankers in ancient and modern time...

