【問題】Stochastic oscillator?推薦回答

作者:Guinan, Jack (EDT)

  每個月300萬人次的肯定   投資人必備的投資百科   大家都知道學英文的第一步就是學會查字典。   那學投資呢?   本書取材自當今最受歡迎、每月平均流量300萬人次的投資網站INVESTOPEDIA,由網站用戶最常搜尋的詞條彙編而成。本書擷取詞彙包羅萬象,從最基本的資產﹝asset﹞、商品﹝commodity﹞、指數﹝index﹞等概念,到高階術語,像是份額﹝tranche﹞、信用債...

作者:Gitterman, Moshe

The properties of the harmonic oscillator with random frequency or/and random damping formed the content of the first edition. The second edition includes hundreds of publications on this subject s...

作者:Chamberlain, Chedjou, Jean

The fields of science and engineering are composed of complex systems and phenomena due to a series of inherent system attributes like strong nonlinearity, time-varying system parameters, stochasti...

作者:Mehrotra, Amit/ Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto

In high speed communications and signal processing applications, random electrical noise that emanates from devices has a direct impact on critical high level specifications, for instance, system b...

作者:Gitterman, Moshe

This book contains comprehensive descriptions of stochastic processes described by underdamped and overdamped oscillator equations with additive and multiplicative random forcing. The latter is ass...

作者:Rebolledo, Rolando (EDT)

The seminar on Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics started in 1984 at the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago and has been an on- going research activity. Since 1995, the group has or...

作者:Gitterman, Moshe

Stochastic descriptions of a harmonic oscillator can be obtained by adding additive noise, or/and three types of multiplicative noise: random frequency, random damping and random mass. The first th...

作者:Waldenfels, Wilhelm

This monograph takes as starting point that abstract quantum stochastic processes can be understood as a quantum field theory in one space and in one time coordinate. As a result it is appropriate ...

