【問題】Statsmodels github?推薦回答

作者:Pipinellis, Achilleas


★強勢改版★ FB讚破百 + 連續二年Git中文書籍銷售冠軍   * 重新繪製插圖並強化說明,讓學習更順利   * 相關軟體與操作介紹全部更新到最新版本   有人說Git很難!筆者從事資訊業將近二十年,學過許多新技術,深知不論技術難易,只要能夠找到好的學習途徑,由淺入深、循序漸進,就可收事半功倍之效!   本書先從單機操作模式開始,讓讀者瞭解Git的運作方式和基本用法,包括如何使用設定...

作者:Bell, Peter/ Beer, Brent

作者:Magana, Alex,Muli, Joseph

作者:Chandrasekara, Chaminda,Herath, Pushpa

Chaminda Chandrasekara is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Visual Studio ALM and Scrum Alliance Certified ScrumMaster(R), and focuses on and believes in continuous improvement of th...

作者:Guthals, Sarah, Ph.D./ Haack, Phil

Code collaboratively with GitHubOnce you've learned the basics of coding the next step is to start sharing your expertise, learning from other coding pros, or working as a collaborative member of d...


  本書主要講解介面自動化測試以及介面測試工具Postman的使用等相關內容。   第1章 介紹介面測試基礎知識,包括介面測試背景、基礎知識、測試流程、介面文件系統等內容。   第2~5章 介紹Postman工具的基本用法和進階用法,包括Postman工具介紹、基本操作、集合、指令稿的應用等內容,幫助讀者學習借助該工具完成介面測試的方法。   第6~7章 介紹Jenkins、GitHu...

作者:Journals, Growth

作者:Tsitoara, Mariot

Learn the fundamentals of version control through step-by-step tutorials that will teach you the ins-and-outs of Git. This book is your complete guide to how Git and GitHub work in a professional t...

作者:Bell, Peter/ Beer, Brent

If you're new to GitHub, this concise book shows you just what you need to get started and no more. It's perfect for project and product managers, stakeholders, and other team members who want to c...

作者:Griffith, Chris/ Wells, Leif

Discover how to take your existing web development skills and learn how to create desktop applications for macOS, Windows, and Linux, using GitHub's Electron. Learn how to combine the power of Node...

作者:Dawson, Chris/ Straub, Ben (CON)

For your next project on GitHub, take advantage of the service's powerful API to meet your unique development requirements. This practical guide shows you how to build your own software tools for c...


從Git的基本知識和操作方法入手,詳細介紹了GitHub的各種功能,GitHub與其他工具或服務的協作,使用GitHub的開發流程以及如何將GitHub引入到企業中。在講解GitHub的代表功能Pull Request時,本書專門搭建了供各位讀者實踐的倉庫,邀請各位讀者進行Pull Request並共同維護。《GitHub入門與實踐》旨在指導各位讀者如何在開發現場使用GitHub進行高效開發...

