【問題】Statistical data?推薦回答

作者:Kauermann, Göran,Küchenhoff, Helmut,Heumann, Christian

Göran Kauermann is a Professor of Statistics at the Department of Statistics and Chair of the Elite Master’s Program in Data Science at the LMU Munich, Germany. He is a recognized expert in applied...


Uwe Engel is professor at the University of Bremen, Germany where he held a chair in Sociology from 2000 to 2020. From 2008 to 2013, Dr. Engel coordinated the Priority Programme on "Survey Methodol...

作者:Kim, Jae Kwang,Shao, Jun

Jae Kwang Kim is a LAS dean’s professor in the Department of Statistics at Iowa State University. He is a fellow of American Statistical Association (ASA) and Institute of Mathematical Statistics (...

作者:Smith, David J.

Dr. David J. Smith is the Proprietor of Technis Consultancy and has over forty years of experience in reliability and risk assessment and training courses. He is a self-starter who as a leading con...

作者:Fan, Jianqing,Li, Runze,Zhang, Cun-Hui

The authors are international authorities and leaders on the presented topics. All are fellows of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association. Jianqing Fan is ...

作者:Froeschl, Karl A.

As the integration of statistical data collected in various subject matter domains becomes more and more important in several socio-economic etc. investigation areas the management of so-called met...

作者:Griffith, Daniel A./ Layne, Larry J./ Ord, J. K./ Sone, Akio

This volume compiles geostatistical and spatial autoregressive data analyses involving georeferenced socioeconomic, natural resources, agricultural, pollution, and epidemiological variables. Benchm...

作者:Ishikawa, Atushi

Atushi Ishikawa, Kanazawa Gakuin UniversityThe author was originally a theoretical physicist of elementary particles. He now specializes in Econophysics and is primarily engaged in the study of the...

作者:Van Der Loo, Mark/ De Jonge, Edwin

A comprehensive guide to automated statistical data cleaningThe production of clean data is a complex and time-consuming process that requires both technical know-how and statistical expertise. Sta...

作者:Smith, David J.

Dr. David J. Smith is the Proprietor of Technis Consultancy and has over forty years of experience in reliability and risk assessment and training courses. He is a self-starter who as a leading con...

作者:Johnson, Devin S.,McClintock, Brett T.,Morales, Juan M.

Mevin B. Hooten is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Fish, Wildlife & Conservation Biology and Statistics at Colorado State University. He is also Assistant Unit Leader in the U.S. Geolo...

作者:Stahl, Reinhold/ Staab, Patricia

This richly illustrated book provides an easy-to-read introduction to the challenges of organizing and integrating modern data worlds, explaining the contribution of public statistics and the ISO s...

作者:Efron, Bradley,Hastie, Trevor

作者:Proquest,Press, Bernan

ProQuest connects people with vetted, reliable information. Key to serious research, the company has forged a 70-year reputation as a gateway to the world’s knowledge - from dissertations to govern...
