【問題】Security deposit?推薦回答

作者:Moss, David A.

One of the most important functions of government--risk management--is one of the least well understood. Moving beyond the most familiar public functions--spending, taxation, and regulation--When A...

作者:Bilefsky, Dan/ MacDonnell, Chris (NRT)

Over Easter weekend 2015, a motley crew of six English thieves, several in their sixties and seventies, couldn't resist coming out of retirement for one last career-topping heist. Their target: the...

作者:McCallum, Ross A.

Product Description: This edition reflects the Accounting Standards Codification changes, particularly with regard to ASC Topic 952, Franchisors. In addition, cross references have been included to...

作者:Plunkett, Michael

**********Gold stirs men's souls**********Billions are theirs if they can just live to collect The dream of action and adventure, mystery and suspense in the intrigue of international security, glo...

作者:Karen, Eric (NA)

Complete, Unabridged Guide to Payroll tax. Get the information you need--fast This comprehensive guide offers a thorough view of key knowledge and detailed insight. It's all you need. Here's part...

作者:Johnson, Judy Madsen

How does it make you feel when you give to a charity, a ministry, or directly to a person in need? Do you give from abundance? Has it ever hurt to give? Have you ever made a personal sacrifice at c...

作者:Abagnale, Frank W.

The world--famous former con artist and bestselling author of Catch Me if You Cannow reveals the mind--boggling tricks of the scam trade--with advice that has made him one of America's most sought-...

