【問題】Sachtler flowtech 75?推薦回答

作者:Campbell, Becky

Dr. Becky Campbell, DNM, DC, is a board-certified Doctor of Natural Medicine with expertise in functional medicine and clinical nutrition. She is the founder of the popular blog DrBeckyCampbell.com...


結合多樣活潑的探索練習, 讓孩子根據拼寫和發音規則唸出單字,  建立「看到字就能讀、聽到音就能寫」的能力!     ‧以互動遊戲的方式,將學習效益最大化!   以大量插圖和精心設計的小測驗幫助學習,讓剛開始接觸自然發音的小朋友可以用最輕鬆、有趣的方式邊玩邊學習!書中結合「唸唸看、圈圈看、寫寫看、塗塗看」等精采練習,並收錄「闖關小遊戲」幫助小朋友複習所學,加強記憶,深化學習力道...


★日本亞馬遜證券類第1名! ★75張圖,超簡單按圖學習!   作者融合自己38年的投資心得, 研發出「移動平均線大循環分析」與「大循環MACD」兩項獨門工具, 無論股市、匯市都能幫你精準判斷買賣時機!     ★擁有38年資歷的散戶高手,分享你……   本書濃縮了作者38年投資經歷中,所推導出的股市秘訣,他用最簡單易懂的方式,教你如何運用移動平均線找出股市獲利的方向,只要跟著本書具體操作,幫...

作者:Robb, Carolyn

Born and raised in South Africa, Carolyn’s culinary education includes Le Cordon Bleu and the Tante Marie Cooking School in Surrey. After cutting her teeth at Kensington Palace working for The Duke...

作者:Albert, LIV,Engst, Thea

Liv Albert has a degree in classical civilizations and English literature from Concordia University in Montreal. Liv is the creator, host, and producer of the popular Greek and Roman mythology podc...

作者:Barreca, Gina

Hailed as "smart and funny" by People, Gina Barreca was deemed a "feminist humor maven" by Ms. She has written for most major publications, including The New York Times, The Chronicle of Higher Edu...


~為情緒按下暫停鍵,使生命重獲自由~ 75則日常禪定訓練,幫助你減輕壓力、找到平靜,活在當下每一刻 ★亞馬遜4.7星,3000多條至高好評!   正念經常被描述為「活在當下」,   簡單而言,是把你的注意力帶到此時此刻正在發生的事。   它不是只在蒲團座墊上靜坐,   而是將一心專注的功夫融入你日常生活的行住坐臥中——   無論是一個念頭、一個負面情緒、一項工作任務、或是一個呼吸的出入息…...


誰說半夜絕不能看《深夜食堂》? 有了這本再也不怕餓! 日本人氣料理家親自上菜 75道日式家常食譜~升級版~ 讓自己的家,輕鬆變身最舒適美味的食堂   #大滿足❤ #專業感Up! #5分鐘上菜 #療癒系料理 #一盤接一盤 #保證上癮   回家就可以立刻開吃──   這就是能夠天天上菜的祕訣!   由4位深夜食堂職人用心研發的「升級版」菜單,   不用5個步驟就能完成的家常美味,   還有...


~50種基本水晶+75種能量處方~     ★長年高居美國亞馬遜Energy Healing、Divination with Crystals NO.1!   ★2600多位讀者五星至高好評推薦!   ★全方位的水晶使用手冊,能量療癒必備之書!   ★黃裳元吉療癒文化創辦人.黃裳審定     如果你未曾體驗過水晶奇蹟般地轉化力量,   這本全方位的水晶使用手冊會是最好的起點。     《水晶...

作者:West, Soren

Soren West grew up in suburban Connecticut where he spent a lot of time in the woods near his home. In college he took courses that made him write. As a trial lawyer he wrote more. When he thru-hik...


你知道鐵達尼號最後的一餐是什麼嗎? 你知道鳳梨曾在英王喬治四世是晚宴主角嗎? 從遠古到近代,從地表到太空  重回75個歷史瞬間的用餐現場,帶你一窺稀奇古怪的菜單文化! ★本書內附11道美味食譜,千萬別錯過★     你知道嗎?   ▲ 鐵達尼號遇難前的最後一份豪華菜單?   ▲ 從黛安娜王妃到哈利王子的婚宴平民化?   ▲ 普法戰爭巴黎圍城竟讓動物園成為桌上佳餚?     從古至今,人們為了...

作者:Schweizer, Estella

Estella Schweizer is a nutritionist and certified "Plant Based Chef." Having run a vegan café for many years, she now works as a recipe and product developer for fairfood Freiburg, a company that s...

作者:Grant, Winifred

Winifred Grant is a freelance writer, home cook, and native Londoner who delights in sharing her favorite British foods and traditions with American friends and family. She and her husband emigrate...

