【問題】Put/Call Ratio S&P 500?推薦回答

作者:Schaeffer, Frank

Frank Schaeffer is a New York Times bestselling author of more than a dozen fiction and nonfiction books. Frank is a survivor of both polio and an evangelical/fundamentalist childhood, an acclaimed...

作者:Spalding, Esta

The third book in a Dahl-esque middle-grade series by award-winning poet and screenwriter Esta Spalding.The plucky Fitzgerald-Trout siblings (who live on a tropical island where the grown-ups are u...

作者:Katleen Put

愛上閱讀,從經典童話開始! 讓寶寶享受閱讀的樂趣!   ◆經典童話故事能培養孩子品格,更能陶冶性情,是培養生活智慧的第一步。   ◆插畫精緻,色彩豐富鮮豔,讓孩子閱讀經典童話時有煥然一新的感受。   ◆簡潔的文字期待孩子能從快樂閱讀中獲得智慧的啟發。   ◆與孩子一起共讀童話故事,讓美好的信念和人生哲理,隨著故事進入孩子的心田。   故事介紹:   1. 三隻小豬-學習「勤勞與踏實」 ...

作者:John, Jory

Jory John is a #1 New York Times-bestselling author of books for both children and adults. His work includes the New York Times-bestselling picture books The Good Egg and The Bad Seed; the award-wi...

作者:Howell Major, Claire,Harris, Michael S.,Zakrajsek, Todd

Claire Howell Major is Professor of Higher Education at the University of Alabama, USA.Michael S. Harris is Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at South...


★ 最適合分心世代閱讀的翻轉人生指南! ★ 提升心靈免疫力的理想生活提案。 ★ 榮獲2019年天主教媒體協會圖書獎!   改變就從今天開始,   重新為生活與信仰充電,   找回熱情與專注力!   世界上最遙遠的距離,就是我在你身邊,你卻一直低頭滑手機。   練習跟手機保持剛剛好的距離,   不再滑到渾然忘我,迷失在瞬息萬變的虛幻世界裡。   21天簡單易學、無痛上手的靈修操練,   幫...

