

  1.依勞動部最新公告學術科試題編寫。     2.【共同科試題 + 學科試題】細分工作項目,提升學習效果。   3.術科試題以「實作照片」解析工作程序,清晰易懂好學習。   MOSME 行動學習一點通功能:使用「 MOSME  行動學習一點通」,登入會員與書籍密碼後,可線上閱讀、自我練習,增強記憶力,反覆測驗提升應考戰鬥力,即學即測即評,強化試題熟練度。   ◈學科:使用「數位閱讀電...

作者:House, Tom/ Paschen, Kai

This publication demonstrates and illustrates best practice that allows poliomyelitis survivors to live with dignity and independence. It shows impressively how poliomyelitis and the long-term late...


這裡有酒、有音樂,也有故事   深夜的台北,路上車潮漸歇,或許是因為過於寂靜,故事總是顯得格外動人。不論是歌手的親身經歷,或是工作人員/聽眾的人生片段,在EZ5的音樂美酒渲染下,變得格外有張力,就像是一部描繪你我人生的縮影,充滿歡笑、淚水、喧鬧、驚奇、惋惜的真實日常。   台北人共同的回憶──EZ5 Live House三十週年了!   安和路上這間屹立不搖的音樂酒吧,   黃小琥、彭佳...

作者:Person, John L.

Technical analysis for today''s market, with smarter setups for less riskCandlestick and Pivot Point Trading Triggers +Website makes Pivot Point analysis relevant for today''s market, with up-to-da...


  PO-ERP採用PDCA管理循環架構,透過PPS, POS, PMIS, PAS系統功能以確保作業人員與管理經營者都可以在單一平台上自中央資料庫中存取其作業或管理資訊,透過既訂之企業流程可以進而保證了企業效能得以發揮。專案導向的ERP系統,有別於傳統製造業進銷存ERP系統,進度規劃與預算規劃模組功能成為要角,進度與預算之整合機制超越傳統ERP功能,網頁式之操作方式讓使用者容易學習與理解系...

作者:Newton, Lisa

At Last, The Missing Piece of 'The Secret' - What They Didn't Tell You .... You may have heard of 'The Secret and the law of attraction . Perhaps you've watched the movie or you've heard about thi...

作者:Miura, Soichiro/ Hokari, Ryota/ Komoto, Shunsuke

In the intestine, a unique immunological system that is different from the systemic immune system exists to provide adaptive immunity in response to luminal bacteria and dietary antigens. There are...

作者:Co, Caroline Joy

There is a newer version of this book. You are viewing the first edition of this title. Check out the second edition for more up to date information. On August 8, 2011, the Centers for Medicare & M...



作者:Ronchi Della Rocca, Simona (EDT)

This volume represents the proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, TLCA 2007, held in Paris, France during 26-28 June 2007, in conjunction with ...

作者:Bruno, Richard L.

Polio is a disease of paradoxes, the major one being that although the threat of the dreaded disease'' ended with the Salk vaccine in 1954, many polio survivors are now experiencing the onset of ...

作者:Block, Andrew R.

Pain is an unfortunate daily experience for many individuals. Chronic pain -- lasting six or more months -- is suffered by approximately 30% of the population in the United States. These individual...


本書依據作者研究團隊及國內外橡膠納米複合材料的最新研究進展,從基礎到應用詳細地介紹了各種納米顆粒/橡膠複合材料的製備、結構及性能,闡述了納米顆粒對橡膠材料模量、強度、耐磨性、耐疲勞性、動態生熱性能、抗濕滑性能等物理性能的影響,以及對阻隔、阻燃、阻尼、電熱聲傳導等功能的影響,並介紹了一些重要的工業化案例和工業化新進展。 本書適合於高校和科研院所從事納米材料和納米複合材料研究與開發的學生以...

