【問題】Nasdaq 100?推薦回答

作者:Ziemba, William T. (EDT)/ Lleo, Sebastien (EDT)/ Zhitlukhin, Mikhail (EDT)

This book presents studies of stock market crashes big and small that occur from bubbles bursting or other reasons. By a bubble we mean that prices are rising just because they are rising and that ...


隨著中國在世界經濟舞台上崛起,挾著廣大國內市場的優勢,中國頂尖企業在全球競爭,表現不遑多讓。透過「與丕宏面對面」,CEO與CEO的高峰對話,要帶你一窺新一代中國企業家的內心世界,並深入認識現代中國式管理的優勢和祕訣。   中國自改革開放後,短短三十年,在國際舞台上快速崛起。不僅安然度過全球金融海嘯的洗禮,還逆勢成長,躍升為世界第二大經濟體。2008年北京奧運和2010年上海世博會,更將新中國...

作者:Du Plessis, Jeremy

Point and Figure charts are one of the great secrets of the Technical Analysis world. Highly sophisticated and with a thoroughbred pedigree, they can, however, be overlooked by traders today. Jerem...

作者:Nnadi C., Jane

The only revealing practical step-by-step guide to learning how to trade and invest in international online stock trading/investing. This is an inspiring book for both the newbie and already stock ...


  中國政府從2011年1月1日起取消了招商引資的優惠政策,台資企業在大陸的競爭優勢頓失;又自2011年開始,地方官員升遷、考核的標準已從GDP的高、低調整到上市企業的多、寡,各級政府以紅頭文件的方式對想要上市的公司給土地、給政策。 在臺灣上市的1,200家在大陸的子公司,應該利用自身在臺灣上市的優勢到美國上市與融資,至少有五大理由:其一、享受上市優惠政策,提高同業競爭優勢;其二、IPO資金...

作者:Ziemba, William T. (EDT)/ Lleo, Sebastien (EDT)/ Zhitlukhin, Mikhail (EDT)

This book presents studies of stock market crashes big and small that occur from bubbles bursting or other reasons. By a bubble we mean that prices are rising just because they are rising and that ...


  在電腦產業,成功的人與事太多,而各有其發人深省之處。以本書的麥克‧戴爾來說,他的成功來自於幾項特質:首先,他夠單純,只作自己最擅長的事,其餘都找別人配合。其次,他夠堅持,執意要把自認最正確的方式貫徹到底。而他也夠聰明,看得到業界的問題,找得出改善之道。然後,他非常誠實,只要發現自己錯誤一定更正。  說來,不管從事任何工作,上述這些特質都足以讓一個人成功,不過,它們看似簡單,卻不容易做到。...

作者:Greene, Martin F.

With the Dow recently exceeding 13,000 it becomes more crucial to invest in stocks with proven track records. The 100 Best Stocks to Buy in America is a handy reference tool to help you maximize yo...

