【問題】Https mli com tw?推薦回答

作者:Harris, Corey L.

作者:Angelone, Trina

Trina Angelone is a veteran educator, (not to be interpreted as past her prime, thank you very much!); an entrepreneur (to be translated as lucky enough to have met investors who would finance her ...

作者:Jude Porter, Doris

Doris Jude Porter, married, mother of two son and a daughter, attended Green Bay Avenue elementary school, graduated from North division High School, receive Bachelor degree from Ottawa University....


  十年前一個胎死腹中的概念網址;  八年前一個攔腰被斬的漫畫專欄;  一直叫作者念念不忘的一眾動物角色;  小克續未了綠,親身跑進互聯網細意觀察,  運用其擅長的擬人法,畫出虛擬世界的熱鬧與荒誕。   這不是一個網址,這是一部關於網絡世界的反智寓言書。 作者簡介 小克   原名蔣子軒,1974年生於香港。   1996年畢業於香港理工大學設計系,獲取平面設計榮譽學士。畢業後一直以自由創作人...

