
作者:Kidd, Chip

作者:Casey, Karen


作者:Von Brackel, Benjamin

作者:Rimmer, Kelly

作者:Hurst, Chrystal Evans

作者:Kubica, Mary

作者:Hurst, Chrystal Evans


正向教養協會唯一官方繪本! 全球父母期盼的兒童情緒管理工具 幫助孩子成為自己最佳的情緒管理教練     傑瑞氣沖沖的從外面回家,碰一聲把門摔上,然後又用力踢了桌子一腳,接著開始放聲大哭……     本書透過1個生動有趣的故事,帶出14個正向教養工具,讓孩子自然習得一生受益、穩定而健康的情緒管理技能。     書中內容非常適合親子、師生共讀,幫助孩子成為自己最佳的情...

作者:Baker, Djoymi

Djoymi Baker is Lecturer in Screen Studies at the University of Melbourne. Her work encompasses many fields, including myth in relation to film and television as well research on the science fictio...

作者:Streatfeild, Noel

Noel Streatfeild, the plain middle child between two talented and pretty sisters, trained at RADA and acted for nine years before writing Ballet Shoes, an instant bestseller, in 1936. As vicarage d...

作者:Barner, Bob

Bob Barner has written and illustrated more than twenty-five books including Bug Safari, Day of the Dead/El Dia de los Muertos, and I Have a Garden, an I Like to Read(R) book. His work has received...

