【問題】Edison audio E2?推薦回答

作者:Lerner, Brian D.

作者:Charles K. AlexanderMatthew N. O. Sadiku

本書特色   本書介紹電路分析與電路設計之基本理論,共分有三篇:直流電路、交流電路,以及進階電路分析。   作者以淺顯易懂、循序漸進的方式講述電路學之原理,是一本很適合初學者學習的教科用書。本書內容舉例豐富,講解充實嚴謹、章節編排有序,理論講解、例題、重點摘要整理、複習題、作業習題,以及綜合題均為精華之作,使學習者透過書本內容,由簡入深的融會貫通電路之原理分析,並學會正確的解題推導與演算...

作者:Mickey RogersJoanne Taylore-KnowlesSteve Taylore-Knowles

  The key features of the series are:   •Life Skills:Higher-order skills such as critical thinking, organizational, and learning skills that students need in order to be successful in their profes...


作者:Richard R. Day Joseph ShaulesJunko Yamanaka

  What is Impact Issues?   Impact Issues is a 3-level course that helps students develop presentation and discussion skills using high-interest topics. Each of the 20 units (each unit has 4 pages)...

作者:Franklin-Carter, Erica

作者:Sebastian, Wendy

