
作者:Vanhoucke, Mario

Earned Value Management (EVM) is a project management technique for measuring project progress in terms of cost, schedule and scope, and has developed into a very effective way to uncover performan...


  『Primavera P6 專案管理實務及應用』是撰述有關專案管理軟體 Primavera P6 的書籍,本書除了介紹 Primavera P6 R8.3.2 之功能及操作方法外,更將理論與實務融合,闡述執行專案管理之理論基礎與實務應用。全書共分為九章,分述如后。   第一章「專案管理概論」,介紹二大國際專案管理組織(PMI 專案管理學會、IPMA國際專案管理學會)及其專案管理知識體系...


  國內企業在非例行性工作的管理資訊系統的建置投資,更不及日常管理所做的資訊化管理及人才培訓的投資的10%,「解決問題」與「創造機會」的能量就被限縮。   當進入以知識經濟、創新、研發為企業發展競爭核心的時代,這樣的型態就會出現許多的非例行性管理的專案。整體而言,國內企業日常管理機制已相當成熟,非例行性管理機制猶如沙漠。有鑑於各界一直無法找到一套好用、操作簡單、有效能的專案管理軟體,作者特...


  本書之時間管理採用「計畫評核術」(PERT)及「要徑法」(CPM)之網狀圖技術為理論基礎,成本管理則採用「實獲值管理」(Earned Value Management, EVM)之技術,進行績效衡量及差異分析。全書並不著重於理論之闡示及推演,而是強調實務之應用及技巧。首先概述國際上專案管理知識體系及營建專案管理知識體系之知識領域及其架構、流程、步驟及方法,為專案管理知識領域概略性之說明;...


  繼平衡計分卡、六標準差之後的管理新顯學。   可口可樂、摩根史坦利、美國郵政局等全球知名企業相繼採用台灣電力公司、花王等各大企業率先導入,經營決策、管理模式、資本運作、績效衡量最佳管理工具。   公司靠什麼營利?營收、產品、資產、人才?找出公司的「價值」,是經理人、會計師、分析師、投資人、甚至社會大眾都關心的焦點。   TQM、流程改造、平衡計分卡、六標準差,大家都已耳熟能詳,代表管理趨...


  ★廣收上榜考生應考情報分享,試題設計高度貼近實際考情★   ★短期快速補強,有讀就有分數★   ★因應中華電信招考備考時間短、專為短期衝刺考生量身訂作。全書內容去蕪存菁,幫考生節省做總整理的時間,讓您有機會透過短時間的密集衝刺,順利在筆試階段高分過關。★   近年許多考生向宏典文化反應,中華電信的備考時間極為有限,而專案管理的範疇又很廣泛,在應考準備上相當辛苦,市場上極需一本專為中...

作者:Mullany, Ruth M./ Burgess, Esther J.



作者:Song, Lingguang, Ph.d.

Funded by a research grant from Project Management Institute (PMI) and PMI's College of Performance Management (CPM), this study's aim is to help project managers better comprehend and gauge the cu...

作者:Shermon, Dale/ Gilmour, Mark

High quality cost estimating gives a business leader confidence to make rational financial decisions. Whether you are a business leader or a cost estimating manager, you have a vested interest in u...

作者:Vanhoucke, Mario

Discover solutions to common obstacles faced by project managers. Written as a business novel, the book is highly interactive, allowing readers to participate and consider options at each stage of ...

作者:Dayal, Sham

Schedule and cost management are the most essential parts of project lifecycle management and many projects fail as a result of not managing these critical components effectively. The most commonly...

作者:Tyler, Forrest B./ Brome, Deborah Ridley/ Williams, Janice E.

This book has grown out of our individual experiences as well as our shared ones; out of our differences as well as our commonalities; and out of our conflicts as well as our convergences. Among us...

作者:Qureshi, Shehrzad

This is an application-oriented book includes debugged & efficient C implementations of real-world algorithms, in a variety of languages/environments, offering unique coverage of embedded image pro...

作者:Fleming, Quentin W./ Koffleman, Joel M.

Earned Value Project Management (EVPM) is a methodology used to measure and communicate the real physical progress of a project taking into account the work completed, the time taken and the costs ...

