【問題】Chaikin A/D Line?推薦回答

作者:Chaikin, Miriam/ Lisowski, Gabriel (ILT)

Around two hundred years ago, Eastern European communities of Hasidim, Jewish thinkers, and mystics throve. Among the Hasidim were the tzadikim--"the righteous ones"--who were the holiest of all. O...

作者:Chaikin, Linda Lee/ Chaikin, L. L.

Pursuing the family name as the finest silk producer in Lyon, the young Huguenot Rachelle Dushane-Macquinet is thrilled to accompany her famous couturier Grandmere to Paris, there to create a silk ...

作者:Roesner, David

As the complicated relationship between music and theatre has evolved and changed in the modern and postmodern periods, music has continued to be immensely influential in key developments of theatr...


超乎想像的龐大計劃,專業又敬業的智庫團隊, 透過縝密的計算和精細的高科技,帶領我們探索神祕又美麗的太空世界。   《NASA 9大太空任務:一窺宇宙最真實探索實錄》將帶領讀者,跟隨35位美國太空總署的科學家和工程師,完成九項太空任務,其中包括:   1 新視野號帶你破解冥王星之祕   2 跟著好奇號漫遊火星   3 透過哈伯太空望遠鏡窺見宇宙深處   4 飛越兩個世界的曙光號   5 克卜...


★登月第一人阿姆斯壯唯一親授傳記★ ★普立茲歷史獎提名作者詹姆斯・韓森獨家親訪★ 完整公開歷史上最魔幻任務的冒險者生命故事 鉅細靡遺報導登月狂熱年代、紀錄太空探索起點的一步一腳印   ◎奧斯卡最佳男主角萊恩・葛斯林主演、奧斯卡最佳導演達米恩・查澤雷執導同名傳記電影《登月先鋒》原著,本書作者全程擔任電影史實顧問   ◎美國航太協會文學獎、美國航空太空學會傑出圖書獎   ◎蟬聯《紐約時報》暢...

作者:Leibovit, Mark

Learn how to translate the "language" of volume Mark Leibovit, a leading market strategist and technical analyst with more than 35 years of trading experience, possesses a solid track record of pre...

作者:Chaikin, Andrew/ Hanks, Tom/ Pinchot, Bronson (NRT)

On the night of July 20, 1969, our world changed forever when two Americans, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, walked on the moon. Now the greatest event of the twentieth century is magnificently ret...

作者:Chaikin, Linda Lee

Raised by her aunt and uncle at the rectory in the small English village of Grimston Way, lovely Evy Varley remembers little of her missionary parents and nothing of South Africa, the land where sh...

作者:London, Todd (EDT)

An Ideal Theater is a wide-ranging, inspiring documentary history of the American theatre movement as told by the visionaries who goaded it into being. This anthology collects over forty essays, ma...

作者:Chaikin, Andrew/ Hanks, Tom (FRW)

"The authoritative masterpiece" (L. A. Times) on the Apollo space program and NASA's journey to the moonThis acclaimed portrait of heroism and ingenuity captures a watershed moment in human history...

作者:Chaikin, D./ Sharman, J.

Through a policy and legal analysis, this book shows how corruption facilitates money laundering, and vice versa. Furthermore, it demonstrates specifically how the responses developed to combat one...

作者:Lebed, A. G. (EDT)

Historically, quasi-low-dimensional superconductors were considered as the main candidates to observe high-temperature superconductivity. For a disc- sion of the related exotic mechanisms of superc...


  ●國際暢銷書《新行銷聖經》作者跨足科學界,探討航空科學界最著名行銷案例   ●大量公開從未出版過、關於阿波羅計畫的照片、畫作與廣告   ●Amazon 4.8星超高分   史上最強「募資」案:動員6億人與240億美元的登月計劃   大多數人都不知道,說到20世紀的行銷之神,NASA大可能榜上有名。   阿波羅登月計畫原本只會是美國空軍關起門來的祕密實驗,社會上也只有極少數的科幻迷才...

