【問題】Canon 出租?推薦回答



一個幫助孩子感受友情,體會分享,懂得珍惜的經典故事   動物森林裡,寂寞的大猩猩「出租」他的友情,小女孩咪咪每天都來租。   大猩猩每一次都玩得很開心,時間到了也不在乎。   有時候,即使彼此不說一句話,大猩猩都覺得好幸福!   可是,這一天,   大猩猩到大樹下等了好久好久,咪咪卻一直沒有來…… 得獎紀錄   ★新聞局中小學生優良課外讀物推介   ★臺北縣滿天星閱讀計畫   *有注...

作者:Kick, Russ (EDT)

Here are Teddy Goldenberg's dense, murky treatment of Dashiell Hammett's "The Road Home," often considered the first hard-boiled detective story ever published. Shawn Cheng renders the first serial...

作者:Dorival, Gilles

作者:Errázuriz, Carlos José

Carlos José Errázuriz is Ordinary Professor of Canon Law at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome). He is a priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei and holds doctorates in both canon law an...

作者:Cannon, Katie Geneva

作者:Young, David

David Young is Dean of the Chapel and Assistant Professor of Biblical Literature at Eastern Nazarene College, USA.

作者:Stefaniak, Alexander

Alexander Stefaniak is Associate Professor of Musicology at Washington University in St. Louis. He is author of Schumann’s Virtuosity: Criticism, Composition, and Performance in Nineteenth-Century ...


世界級管理大師大前研一親自傳授 創造全新商業模式的秘訣! 日本BBT大學超高人氣課程首度結集出書!   ●可口可樂如何面對健康風潮下逐漸萎縮的碳酸飲料市場?   ●Lawson在超商戰國時代中要怎麼擬定「成長戰略」?   ●Uber該如何處理因急速成長所帶來的痛苦?   ●任天堂怎樣做才能在手遊時代再度成為遊戲界霸主?   ●Canon相機成長停滯,該如何轉換方向開展新事業?   ●小...

作者:Stefaniak, Alexander

Alexander Stefaniak is Associate Professor of Musicology at Washington University in St. Louis. He is author of Schumann’s Virtuosity: Criticism, Composition, and Performance in Nineteenth-Century ...

作者:Busch, David D.

With more than two million books in print, David D. Busch is the world’s #1 best-selling camera guide author, with more than 100 guidebooks for Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus, Pentax, and Panasonic ca...


旅館、民宿、出租套房與餐廳之規劃與管理   本書內容分為旅館、民宿、出租套房與餐廳四大主題。   整合餐旅產業的理論與實務,透過產學合作的實際案例,從法規、規劃、設計、施工等層面來分析,以文字、圖面、照片與圖表等形式來展現。   近年來隨著分享經濟的興起,加上Airbnb、Agoda、Booking、Trivago、Expedia等網路訂房平台的推波助瀾,使得開設民宿蔚為一股風潮,吸引...

作者:Schneider, Marilyn A.

