【問題】BMW延長保固 PTT?推薦回答

作者:Cranswick, Marc

Marc Cranswick has had a lifelong interest in cars and all things mechanical, and has written about and drawn the cars that he loves for many years; these include a variety of European, Japanese an...


日本亞馬遜商業書暢銷排行榜第一名, 蟬聯日本蔦屋書店排行榜、紀伊國屋書店排行、 丸善、淳久堂、文教堂書店排行超過一年。     作者西村博之說:「大部分的工作,只要有高中學歷就能做,   你再怎麼努力,也很難跟別人不同。」   讀者留言:「如果我年輕時就讀到這本書,人生馬上翻轉。」     西村博之是日本PTT「2channel」的創辦人,全盛時期高達一千萬名用戶,   目前還擔任英語圈最大...


  人體的原生機制,竟然是越活越年輕?   關於長壽的古老解方,其實就在我們的身體裡……   老化≠更多的疼痛與疾病!   心血管科學家X頂尖內科醫師聯手破解老化機制   簡單的飲食改變,能讓你活得更久、更健康!   從出生到成年早期,生長全速運作,建構更快的新陳代謝和更強大的免疫系統。   然而當成長期結束,劇烈的生長意味著更多的癌細胞,過快的新陳代謝可能代表著低效率的能量使用,以及...

作者:Taylor, James

After graduating from Oxford and pursuing further academic studies at Reading, James Taylor spent 12 years working in central government. However, the lure of writing about cars - which he was doin...

作者:Falloon, Ian

Ian Falloon was born in New Zealand and studied engineering and music at Victoria University, Wellington. After a motorcycle accident brought an end to his career as a symphony orchestra oboist, he...

作者:Lewin, Tony

Tony Lewin is a lifelong automotive commentator and industry analyst and has spent most of his career testing cars, analyzing them, and reporting on the ups and downs of the global enterprises that...


連外皮、根莖全都不浪費的料理秘訣!! 不管是玻璃罐沙拉料理、疊煮料理、蔬菜乾、蔬菜湯…!! 蔬菜的每一分每一毫都能夠盡善盡美到最極致。     據估計,有兩成的蔬菜食材,在烹飪的處理過程中被丟棄。與其在採買時斤斤計較,不如更有效率的來使用這些食材,反而能將伙食費運用得淋漓盡致。打造「零廚餘的廚房」,正是此書想要傳達給大家的滿滿的精打細算小秘訣。     蔬果食材別浪費,不論是根莖與外皮,都能...

作者:West, Phil

No motorcycle manufacturer is more closely associated with one type of engine than BMW: the air-cooled boxer twin or 'airhead'. It was included in BMW's very first motorcycle in 1923 and virtually ...

