
作者:Young, Ross,Ferguson, Felicity

Ross Young was a primary school teacher for 10 years and holds an MA in Applied Linguistics in Education. As a passionate writer-teacher, he now works around the UK and abroad helping teachers and ...

作者:Bouguettaya, Athman (EDT)/ Gao, Yunjun (EDT)/ Klimenko, Andrey (EDT)/ Chen, Lu (EDT)/ Zhang, Xiangliang (EDT)

The two-volume set LNCS 10569 and LNCS 10570 constitutes the proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2017, held in Puschino, Russia, in October...

作者:Havis, Allan (EDT)/ Labute, Neil/ Corthron, Kia/ Rebeck, Theresa/ Gersten-vassilaros, Alexandra/ Karam, Stephen

This powerful anthology brings together reflective and raw plays by American playwrights surrounding the psychic and political boundaries of the many faces and shadows of terrorism. Allan Havis's i...

作者:Digital Press, Scorpio

作者:Rawsthorn, Sarah

Sarah Rawsthorn is the Founder of Mind Mechanics and Director of Edge Inclusion Partners. She has 30 years’ experience in the field of neurodiversity and social, emotional and mental health needs a...


向精神科醫師輕鬆傾訴, 療癒內心的千瘡百孔, 不再「強顏歡笑」!   ○對於無法控制的事,再怎麼煩惱也沒用。   ○偶爾自我感覺良好,有助於提升自信心、重視自我。   ○你給自己打幾分?接受不完美,別要求自己100分。   ○把自己當成水蚤,覺得自己渺小,也沒什麼不好。   ○在意別人的眼光沒有錯,但過於在意,就會把自己逼入絕境。   ○逃避不可恥,當情況危急,先行撤退,再重新整裝出發...


  從小就受到嚴格管教,也被周圍投以尊敬眼光的完美大小姐其實有著秘密──   她喜歡便利商店美食喜歡到不行!   而且,直接吃還不滿足,甚至自己動手改造了起來…?   讀了它就會想去&想吃的便利商店美食喜劇!   這次大膽改造了以下食材!   ●肉包●糯米丸子●御飯糰●關東煮●懷舊零食●美式熱狗●杯麵


美津希終於和精靈正式見面~!!   離開商店一段時間的店主終於回來,笨蛋精靈和艾娜抱著他哭、飛撲到他身上、用力捏他一把,熱烈歡迎店主的歸來!C商店今天同樣三人全員到齊,悠哉歡樂又健全地營業中。   辛香料空前大暢銷!義大利麵讓艾娜陷入瘋狂!化學調味料為異世界的味覺帶來大革命!?   從現實世界引進的籤被人誤當成是預言書,在街上引發了小騷動!?抽獎掀起一陣狂熱風潮,店主遭到KING責罵!...

作者:Popov, Konstantin I.,Djokic´, Stojan S.,Nikolic´, Nebojsˇa D.

Konstantin Popov is currently at the Unviersity of Belgrade. Stojan S. Djokic is currently at the University of Alberta. Vladimir D. Jovic is currently at the Institute for Multidisciplinary Resear...


Editors: Anja Lehmann, IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland; Diane Whitehouse, The Castlegate Consultancy, Malton, UK; Simone Fischer-Hübner, Karlstad University, Sweden; Lothar Fritsch, Karlstad Unive...

