【問題】5G 開放式課程?推薦回答

作者:Perez-Lopez, Andrew,Launay, Frederic

Frederic Launay is an Associate Professor at the LIAS laboratory and a teacher in networks and telecommunications at the University of Poitiers, France. He also leads training on the 4G, 5G, SIP an...


跨界混搭,異業結合,智慧生活 面對5G時代,你準備好了嗎?   高通執行長莫倫科夫說:5G將成為人類發明電力以來最重要的事!   張忠謀先生認為,物聯網IoT是Next Big Thing!   經濟、行銷、商機,百倍速時代,挑戰就是機會,   只要能跨、敢變、夠快,就能搶奪先機,打造競爭優勢!   ◤一次掌握5G產業未來   打造台灣「數位國家、智慧島嶼」,一起來深入認識5G,發展5G...


1個鍋子就能完成 ! 日本超人氣「自由之丘BAKESHOP」獨家配方 只需麵包與簡單的材料就可以做出道地的帕尼尼Panini!   有著誘人烤紋、外酥內軟的帕尼尼Panini,只能在咖啡店或餐廳才吃得到?   位於日本自由之丘的超人氣名店-「自由之丘BAKESHOP」,總是滿滿人潮。其中最受歡迎的,正是以各種美味麵包、夾著特選食材,以燒烤煎鍋烤出金黃色美麗橫紋的帕尼尼Panini;以...


作者:Eaton, Kit

Kit was once told by a teacher that he would become a writer so, contrarily, he went off and qualified as a scientist, then worked in three or four completely different careers until he’d developed...

作者:Guo, Yingjie Jay,Ziolkowski, Richard W.

Y. JAY GUO, PhD, is the Director of Global Big Data Technologies Centre and Distinguished Professor at University of Technology Sydney, Australia. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Techno...

作者:Maharaj, Bodhaswar Tj,Awoyemi, Babatunde Seun

Bodhaswar T. Maharaj (Sunil) is the current Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment, and Information Technology at the University of Pretoria. He is also the SENTECH Chair in Broadban...


最混亂的世界需要最犀利的腦袋, 這本書是引發你思索的最佳觸媒! 當世界變得更混亂複雜,你不知道的事情已經夠多了, 但即使是自認已知的常識,你真心相信那樣解釋是正確的嗎? 是時候擦亮你的好奇心,重新思考各種或大或小的現象了! 世界令人充滿各種疑惑,但尋找解答的過程反而增添了世界的奧妙。 來自世界各地最優秀的《經濟學人》智囊團, 再度網羅10大領域的109個世界常識,搭配精美的圖表與論證資料...

作者:Shen, Jia,Du, Zhongda,Zhang, Zhi

作者:Pelson, Jonathan

After an early career as a writer and marketer with Young & Rubicam, Jonathan Pelson joined Lucent Technologies during the telecom boom of the ’90s, helping create and market some of the company’s ...


★★★IG超過10萬鐵粉追隨! 著作累積銷售突破45萬冊!★★★ 「鐵架收納魔法師」Emi完整傳授── 從玄關、客廳、浴室、廚房到臥室都適用的鐵架收納術, 不只讓空間變清爽、更有高質感!   日本最強鐵架收納師Emi,現在也是一位網紅收納師,   IG上的照片看不出刻意雕琢的痕跡,看似「佛系」記錄生活,   卻也默默有了一群高度關注她、同樣很有生活品味的鐵粉們。   Emi最擅長利用的...

作者:神谷 雅史株式会社CAMI&Co.

  大家對物聯網暸解多少呢?即便是熟悉科技的人,也難以說明該領域所涵蓋的範圍。   物聯網除了涉及廣範圍的業種、業態,以及我們的生活,甚至還影響到國家政策。從家庭、設施、能源、醫療、運輸、保全、健康護理、公眾安全、林業、農業、水產業,到地區活化、地方創生等等。   本書會透過物聯網相關的最新動向、造物產業上必要的科技、各企業的運用案例、政府政策的輔助金與事業支援等,闡述物聯網商業的全貌。...

作者:Yarali, Abdulrahman

Abdulrahman Yarali, Coordinator, Telecommunications Systems Management and Cybersecurity, Professor at Murray State University, USA. Professor Yarali received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. in Electrical En...

作者:Yaduvanshi, Rajveer S.,Varshney, Gaurav

Rajveer S. Yaduvanshi is a Professor & Dean, in the ECE Department at Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies & Research, Delhi, India. His research interests include NDRA, Sensor...

