【問題】2021 美金儲蓄險 PTT?推薦回答


  台港讀者敲碗!電話、網路狂催:「淘寶下一集快點出書啊!」  「香港有沒有得買啊?」  千萬死忠粉絲口碑支持,百萬忠實讀者極力推薦!  網路點擊已破一千五百萬!   玩玉石這行的人,都喜歡解石。至於,這一刀下去,是天堂?還是地獄?就視各人運氣了!   你與百萬富翁的距離,就是幾塊瓷片;你與千萬富翁的距離,就是一張字畫;你與億萬富翁的距離,就是一塊石頭!   世界首部探秘古玩市場珍寶行業的小...

作者:Siemon, Klaus D.,Averhaus, Ralf

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus D. Siemon ist Architekt und Ingenieur sowie von der Industrie- und Handelskammer Kassel öffentlich bestellter und vereidigter Sachverständiger für das Sachgebiet Architektenleistun...

作者:Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi

From the best-selling author and global feminist icon--an illustrated weekly planner containing her most powerful and inspiring quotes, as well as an introductory essay written exclusively for this...


Dr. Amin Akhnoukh earned his B.Sc. of Civil Engineering from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt (1997), M.S. of Civil Engineering from Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas (2005), and Ph.D. of Co...


Jason Cochran was twice awarded Guide Book of the Year by the Lowell Thomas Awards(Society of American Travel Writers) and once by the North American Travel Journalists Association. His voice has r...


大畫情聖第二輯隆重登場! 看沈傲如何繼續在大宋朝出神入畫、 呼風喚雨、耍賤搞笑,坐擁美女! 史上最強搞笑穿越小說,一代驚世笑典! 網路原名《嬌妻如雲》,點閱率持續狂飆,橫掃各大網站!   不是只有外星人才有超能力!不是來自星星,而是來自現代的沈傲,自從穿越時空,意外回到大宋之後,徹底發揮他前世專業大盜的超能力,成了皇帝身前的第一紅人;更徹底發揮男人本性,將四個如花似玉的大美女娶進門...


Jason Cochran was twice awarded Guide Book of the Year by the Lowell Thomas Awards(Society of American Travel Writers) and once by the North American Travel Journalists Association. His voice has r...


  ★因應2021郵政招考新制全新企劃發行!鑒於內勤人員考試科目增加,準備難度提升。惟為滿足廣大「準備時間有限」考生之需求,特邀各科專業作者與編輯群攜手為考生量身訂作:全書內容經過去蕪存菁後,只留下「最精華命題焦點」以及「最頻出試題集錦」;並配合實際考科「二合一」設計,幫考生省下做總整理的時間, 讓您有機會透過短時間的密集衝刺,順利在郵政招考第一階段筆試中脫穎而出。★   近年來,中華郵政...

作者:Flood, Joanne M.

作者:Mistry, Priyesh

Priyesh Mistry is Associate Curator of Modern and Contemporary Projects at the National Gallery, London.


Anna E. Brooke relocated from her native Britain to Paris in 2000 and hasn’t looked back since. She is now a full-fledged bohemian, juggling life between freelance travel writing (Frommer’s, Sunday...

