

  本書附屬的CD-ROM 中收錄了可以在廣受歡迎的插圖製作軟體「CLIP STUDIO PAINT」中使用的195 個「筆刷素材」。   滿滿地提供給各位在黑白插圖及漫畫製作上,使用起來非常方便的線稿筆刷及效果筆刷。     ● 只要動動畫筆,一瞬間就能描繪完成!   花草樹木、城鎮街景如果要一筆一筆描繪的話實在太辛苦。   不過只要有了本書的筆刷素材,只要動動畫筆,就能馬上描繪完成。  ...

作者:Osborne, Mary Pope,Laird, Jenny

MARY POPE OSBORNE is the author of the New York Times #1 bestselling Magic Tree House series as well as co-author of the Magic Tree House Fact Tracker series, along with her husband, Will, and her ...

作者:Han, Jenny

作者:Lee, Jenny

Jenny Lee is a television writer and producer who has worked on BET’s Boomerang, IFC’s Brockmire, Freeform’s Young & Hungry, and the Disney Channel’s number-one-rated kids’ show, Shake It Up. Jenny...

作者:Dwonch, Dave,McKinney, Brockton

Dave Dwonch has been a comics writer and artist producing indie titles for over a decade. In 2010 he founded Action Lab Entertainment and as Creative Director for Action Lab helped produce several ...


  PIXIV人氣插畫大師 清水洋 實用繪圖軟體教學系列第二彈!   ★日本AMAZON網路書店暢銷排行榜第一名!紀伊國屋書店、書泉BOOK TOWER、淳久堂書店、BOOK FIRST書店、丸善書店、有鄰堂書店絕讚好評推薦!   ★專業動畫繪師傾囊相授──使用魔法的少女、下雪的建築物、天馬行空的海潮街景,閱讀這本書,宛如跟在大師身旁學習,看專家在創作時是如何思考的,保證物超所值!  ...

作者:Goebel, Jenny

Jenny Goebel is the author of Grave Images, The 39 Clues: Mission Hurricane, and Fortune Falls. She lives in Denver with her husband and three sons.


台灣第一本結合花藝與香氛的手作蠟燭工具書 用療癒小物打造美好日常, 時尚又優雅,突破你對蠟燭的造型想像, 300張詳細步驟圖解,專業證照老師不藏私分享!   視覺與嗅覺的雙重享受,   讓香氛蠟燭營造滿滿幸福能量,   傳遞溫暖訊息的告白蠟燭、清新透明的海洋蠟燭、專屬的生日寶石蠟燭…   點一支光亮,改變環境的氣氛,享受一段紓壓的浪漫時光。   ◆步驟詳實的圖解說明:   基本融蠟技巧、...

作者:Kane, Jenny

Jenny Kane is the bestselling author of many romantic fiction series. These include the Mill Grange series, Abi’s Cornwall series, and the Another Cup series. She has had bestsellers in the Amazon ...

作者:Gladwell, Jenny

Jenny Gladwell is a pen name for Genevieve Herr. Genevieve was born and grew up in London and began working in publishing after university. She studied for a Creative Writing MA alongside her job a...

作者:Goebel, Jenny

Jenny Goebel is the author of Grave Images, The 39 Clues: Mission Hurricane, and Fortune Falls. She lives in Denver with her husband and three sons.

