【問題】智動 GO 心得?推薦回答

作者:Debernardo, Francis


就算不懂韓文,也能開開心心的將韓國玩透透!!   本書以最標準的「羅馬拼音」與最貼心的「注音符號」,協助您輕輕鬆鬆唸出一口流利的標準韓語,萬一真的韓語還是無法溝通時,別擔心還有世界的共通語言「英文」挺你度過難關。 本書就出國旅途上會遇到的情況加以歸納分類:  一、常用單字:出國旅遊篇、日常生活篇、韓國生活會話體驗篇  二、旅遊會話:找行李、找客運、在飯店…  三、韓語會話公式:問路、購物、點...

作者:Kubica, Mary

作者:Casey, Karen

作者:Tebow, Tim

Tim Tebow is a two-time national champion, first-round NFL draft pick, and Heisman Trophy winner. After playing in the NFL for the Denver Broncos and the New York Jets, Tebow joined the SEC Network...

作者:Kim, Aram

Aram Kim is a New York-based illustrator and designer who grew up in South Korea. A graduate of the School of Visual Arts, she is the author of Cat on the Bus and No Kimchi for Me!, which was a Jun...


AMAZON網路書店★★★★★讀者好評 華爾街日報、出版人週刊專文報導 摩根大通2020年度精選榜單   自駕車、無人機、空中計程車⋯⋯   未來會有何種新型移動方式?又將如何重塑你我的城市與生活?   面對日漸擁擠的街道,我們需要超前部署!   步行、騎馬、開車到搭噴射機,你有思考過自己的移動方式是如何轉變的嗎?   過去一世紀,汽車與卡車是移動世界的霸主,但在科技快速演進之下,遍布...


本書特色:   The theme of Book Ten is “Go traveling”.   It collects the top 10 popular resorts in Taiwan.There are ten units: “Bisha Harbor in Jilong”, “Center for Traditional Arts in Yilan” , “Taroko...


Paul Myers is a Canadian writer and musician living in Berkeley, California. His previous books include the critically acclaimed A Wizard A True Star: Todd Rundgren in the Studio; It Ain’t Easy: Lo...

作者:Hurst, Chrystal Evans

作者:Baker, Djoymi

Djoymi Baker is Lecturer in Screen Studies at the University of Melbourne. Her work encompasses many fields, including myth in relation to film and television as well research on the science fictio...


超人氣暢銷書《STEAM科學了不起》作者  給孩子的另一本科技、科學與工程領域趣味大作  讓生活小物品在孩子的手中變成能“動”、會“跑”、  可“跳”或是能“飛”的熱門玩具      35個小孩在家就可以玩的驚奇工程玩具    ‧全球知名出版集團QUARTO出品,廣受各國讀者好評,繁體中文版指定授權    ‧探索科技世界,建立科學與工程素養,中小學生必備優質科普圖書    ‧在家玩、才藝班、...

作者:Koren, Talia

Talia Koren is the founder of Workweek Lunch, a blog platform and subscription service that helps thousands of busy people all over the world save time, money and stress over preparing food for the...

