
作者:Steve Antony

  A light-hearted and fun approach to hand washing and good hygiene practices featuring the adorable character, Mr Panda - perfect for helping little ones stay safe in a Coronavirus/Covid-19 world....

作者:Kaplan, Arie

Arie Kaplan is the author of several books, both fiction and nonfiction. Most recently, he wrote the Doctor Strange Little Golden Book, which is available now from Penguin Random House. He also wro...

作者:Creamer, Kathy

Kathy Creamer is an ’authorstrator’ who has written and illustrated more than 20 picture books, and illustrated another 80 books in the UK, Australia and Singapore. Her books include The Big Old Ra...

作者:Kubler, Annie (ILT)

  適讀年齡2至3歲  ◎主題:手指書、時間觀念  ◎故事內容:  一天的任一時間,大野狼總是覺得餓。  早上7點該做什麼?該起床囉!8點該做什麼?當然是吃早餐囉!  那9點到了,又應做什麼呢?  刷刷銳利的牙齒,口氣芳香心情好再繼續大吃…。  這是一本有趣的手指書,父母或小朋友可以將手指伸進書中,動動手指,大野狼便出現各種不同的豐富表情,時而友善、時而猙獰。  下午5點準備擺好餐具,6點準...

作者:Patience, John

作者:Carlson, Nancy J.

