【問題】威剛ptt tech_job?推薦回答

作者:Mcdowell, Gayle Laakmann

Become the applicant Google can't turn downCracking the Tech Career is the job seeker's guide to landing a coveted position at one of the top tech firms. A follow-up to The Google Resume, this book...

作者:Rodman, Sean

作者:Maslak, Mary Ann

Dr. Maslak holds the title of Professor in The School of Education at St. John’s University. Before joining St. John’s, she worked as a classroom teacher at the Taipei American School (Taiwan), and...


色彩×塗鴉×創意 3本互動遊戲書搭上4色蠟筆, 帶孩子開心玩美的遊戲!   小黃點邀請你,一起來參加盛大的色彩派對!小手、蠟筆預備備,把小黃點和小藍點混在一起吧,哇!體驗完《彩色點點》的魔力後,再拿起《點點愛塗鴉》與《點點玩創意》,享受塗一塗、畫一畫的歡樂時光!《Oh!點點×創意~禮物組》包含了《彩色點點》、《點點愛塗鴉》、《點點玩創意》圖畫書各1本,再搭配紅、黃、藍、黑4色水蠟筆,讓喜歡...

作者:Thomas, Philip S.

Thomas S. Philip is Training Coordinator at the George Müller Charitable Trust.

作者:IV, William C. Pohl

William C. Pohl IV is a faculty member at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy, USA, and is also an Adjunct Professor for Knox Theological Seminary, USA.

作者:Review, Harvard Business

Harvard Business Review is the leading destination for smart management thinking. Through its flagship magazine, 12 international licensed editions, books from Harvard Business Review Press, and di...

作者:Wortham, Reavis


酥脆、Q彈、紮實、鬆軟 布魯塞爾鬆餅。列日鬆餅。美式鬆餅。蛋白霜鬆餅 簡單的魅力手作,難以抵抗的好滋味!   倒入麵糊後蓋上蓋子,美味的香氣撲鼻而來,帶著期待又忐忑不安的心情打開蓋子,享用剛出爐的格子鬆餅,真是幸福無比的時刻。       外層酥脆輕盈,極具魅力的布魯賽爾鬆餅、Q軟有嚼勁的列日鬆餅、用泡打粉即可直接烘烤的美式鬆餅、將蛋白打發烘烤出鬆軟的蛋白霜鬆餅。       除了可以改變...

作者:Lester, Andy

You've got the technical chops -- the skills to get a great job doing what you love. Now it's time to get down to the business of planning your job search, focusing your time and attention on the j...

