Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation Is Changing Your World | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation Is Changing Your World

作者:Tapscott, Don

─約翰.坦伯頓爵士(Sir John Templeton)
  傳奇色彩濃厚的基金經理人約翰.坦伯頓爵士(Sir John Templeton),被尊為全球一等一的價值型投資人,因為首倡全球投資,且在長達五十年的時間內,表現優於股票市場而名聞遐邇。《錢》(Money)雜誌稱他是「世紀最傑出選股高手」。本書帶我們管窺坦伯頓爵士歷久而彌新的投資原則及方法。這是一趟前所未見的旅程。
  我們可以學到的寶貴教訓有:  . 當其他的投資人對壞消息反應過度時,知道如何保持頭腦冷靜  . 像坦伯頓爵士那樣撿便宜股票買進──情緒激動的賣方拋售的股票,樂於承接;他們拼命買進的股票,放手賣給他們就是  . 放眼全球,擴增你的便宜存貨  . 透過分散投資,保護你的投資組合不受自身傷害  . 根據定量因素選股,不看定性因素  . 採用能夠度過所有市況榮枯的優良投資策略。
洛蘭.坦伯頓 (Lauren C. Templeton)
  是洛蘭坦伯頓資本管理公司(Lauren Templeton Capital Management, LLC)的獨資業主。東南對沖基金協會(Southeastern Hedge Fund Association, Inc.)的創辦人兼董事長。
史考特.菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)
  是洛蘭坦伯頓全球極度悲觀基金(Lauren Templeton Global Maximum Pessimism Fund)的首席分析師兼投資組合經理人。
SELECTED AS A 2008 BEST BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE ECONOMISTThe Net Generation Has Arrived. Are you ready for it?Chances are you know a person between the ages of 11 and 30. You''ve seen them doing five things at once: texting friends, downloading music, uploading videos, watching a movie on a two-inch screen, and doing who-knows-what on Facebook or MySpace. They''re the first generation to have literally grown up digital--and they''re part of a global cultural phenomenon that''s here to stay.The bottom line is this: If you understand the Net Generation, you will understand the future. If you''re a Baby Boomer or Gen-Xer: This is your field guide.A fascinating inside look at the Net Generation, Grown Up Digital is inspired by a $4 million private research study. New York Times bestselling author Don Tapscott has surveyed more than 11,000 young people. Instead of a bunch of spoiled "screenagers" with short attention spans and zero social skills, he discovered a remarkably bright community which has developed revolutionary new ways of thinking, interacting, working, and socializing.Grown Up Digital reveals: How the brain of the Net Generation processes information Seven ways to attract and engage young talent in the workforce Seven guidelines for educators to tap the Net Gen potential Parenting 2.0: There''s no place like the new home Citizen Net: How young people and the Internet are transforming democracy Today''s young people are using technology in ways you could never imagine. Instead of passively watching television, the "Net Geners" are actively participating in the distribution of entertainment and information. For the first time in history, youth are the authorities on something really important. And they''re changing every aspect of our society-from the workplace to the marketplace, from the classroom to the living room, from the voting booth to the Oval Office.The Digital Age is here. The Net Generation has arrived. Meet the future.
