金融專業英語 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年10月



該書選材于20世紀90年代末最新的金融專業原版著作,內容緊扣金融專業英語證書考試大綱。按內容可分為兩大部分︰銀行業務基礎知識和國際金融基礎知識。 為了方便讀者,全書分10個單元,每個單元又由3個部分組成,每個部分包含閱讀文章、詳細的詞匯注解、練習、參考譯文和練習答案等,並在最後列出全部詞匯索引表。在專業術語的注釋中,除了一般的金融專業知識的說明和解釋外,還附加了許多示例,非常有利于讀者學習和查閱。適合作為在校學生的閱讀教材,以及在職人員的自學課本。

Unit 1 Part A Banks in China Part B Federal Reserve Banks Part C The Bank of England Unit 2 Part A The Fractional Reserve Part B The Three Ms Part C Simple and Compound Interest Unit 3 Part A Financial Statements Part B A Balance Sheet Part C The Entity Concept Unit 4 Part A Bank Deposits Part B Bank Accounts Part C Special Banking Services Unit 5 Part A Bank Advances Part B The U. S. Subprime Crisis Part C Bank Cards Unit 6 Part A Bills of Exchange Part B Banker﹀s Acceptance Part C Collection of Bills Unit 7 Part A Documentary Credits Part B Documentary Collection Part C The Collection Order Unit 8 Part A Currency Exchange Part B The Spot and Forward Markets Part C Swap Deals Unit 9 Part A Currency Fu~res Market Part B Futures Part C Currency Options Market Unit 10 Part A Balance of Payments Part B An Introduction to Insurance Part C Commercial Bank Marketing Appendix Glossary
