Marketing | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月


作者:Michael Levens

  Publisher: Pearson Higher Education  Copyright: 2010  Format: Paper; 290 pp
  Description   Undergraduate Principles of Marketing textbook  A unique marketing text based on student feedback.
  Marketing: Defined, Explained, Applied revolutionizes the way students learn by offering them a textbook that is not written as a continuous narrative, but is instead broken down by topic and each topic is broken down into three sections: Defined, Explained, Applied. This innovative approach presents key concepts in an easy to use format, allowing students to quickly learn all of the information they need.
  Michael Levens

Section I: Explaining
Chapter 1 – The Meaning of Marketing
Chapter 2 – The Market in Marketing
Chapter 3 – Marketing in an Organization
Chapter 4 – A Broader Perspective on Marketing
Section II: Creating
Chapter 5 – Value for Customers
Chapter 6 – A Perspective on Behavior
Chapter 7 – Consumer Insights
Chapter 8 – The Brand
Section III: Strategizing
Chapter 9 – The Segment, Target and Position
Chapter 10 – The Marketing Plan
Section IV: Managing
Chapter 11 – Product and Service Strategies
Chapter 12 – Pricing Strategies
Chapter 13 – Supply Chain and Distribution Strategies
Chapter 14 – Consumer Influence Strategies
Chapter 15 – Personal Selling Strategies
Section V: Integrating
Chapter 16 – The Media Mix
Chapter 17 – The Marketing Mix
