Smart Ketogenic Diet Strategies for Beginners: A Solid Plan for Burning Fat and Losing the Weight You Deserve | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Smart Ketogenic Diet Strategies for Beginners: A Solid Plan for Burning Fat and Losing the Weight You Deserve

作者:Hasic, Mirsad

DISCOVER:: Why It Really DOES Pay Off to Follow the Rules ...If You Want to Lose ALL The Stubborn Weight Warning: This guide talks about strict Ketogenic to help people finally lose all of the weight they want & deserve. Why modify a good thing? Exercise is for everyone. I believe that everyone should feel invited to the "fitness party", but far too many people actually feel frustrated, helpless, and alone. They get frustrated by all of the fad diets. If only there was a way to eat that we could adopt for life, right? Well, I have some suggestions, of course... Let's take the frustration out of the picture... Let's take the stress out of the picture... Let's take the helplessness out of the picture... What are we left with? Progress. Listen, if you're sick and tired of the fitness runaround... don't give up. I have just the solution for you... YOUR MISSION:: Go Back to Strict Ketogenic for BIG Results This book is designed to get you moving in a positive direction. It's an honest book that introduces several concepts, and gives you plenty more to look up. I wanted to blend in a good mix of science, common sense, and real world observations. Ready to embrace better health? You need this book This is not another "oh just eat butter and bacon and you'll be right as rain" book. I give you meal ideas to help you get past Ketogenic Induction, the hardest part of the program. I also give you colorful images of what each exercise looks like so you aren't just spinning your wheels or looking ridiculous in the gym. Your time is far more valuable than that, so I made sure that everywhere you turn, you have a strong action plan to guide you. Remember: this book is aimed at people that are getting into Ketogenic for the first time, or people who "modified" Ketogenic to pieces and need a book that focuses on a much cleaner approach. DOWNLOAD:: Strict Ketogenic for the Perpetually Frustrated When you download this book, you are going to learn: How to use the Ketogenic framework without losing your sanity (Yes, I gave tips for real working people )How to build a real exercise schedule that doesn't get you confused with someone training for the Olympia or a Strongman contestA very simple way to start your new workout lifeWhy you DON'T want to modify the Ketogenic plan away from its original rootsIt's all in here, and plenty more from there. I even include checkpoints along the way so that you know how to gauge your progress, as well as figure out what elements you may be missing. This isn't a complete "paint by numbers" type of book. It's a book designed to give you a basic framework that you're expected to build upon. If you put in the work, you're much more likely to get the results you're looking for. Simply put, this is a book for action takers that are ready to rock a real lifestyle, not just another fad they'll forget about in a month. Would You Like to Know More? Download this guide now and make your goals a reality. Scroll back to the top of the page and click the buy button.
