Heart of Mercy | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Heart of Mercy

作者:Marks, C. C.

Charlie Little exists in a dangerous world. Her best chance of survival is to disguise herself as a boy and guard her secrets well. Yet just when things can't possibly get worse, they spin completely out of control. With Zeke and her sister Star by her side and the fresh memory of Thomas's kiss still on her lips, she narrowly escapes the horrid plans of Jonas Bannon, a monster of a human being. Forfeiting the safety of the community, they leave and begin the search for the city of Mercy, the one secure place Charlie knows. However, as she struggles to reach her sanctuary, doubts creep in that anywhere is truly safe. If the Draghoul don't get them, the human scavengers just might, and the assumption Mercy will be a place of protection could be the most dangerous risk of all.

It all started with an old-fashioned typewriter. When the family brought it home, all those stories and characters rolling around in her head could finally get out. The press and click of the keys satisfied in their own right, but when she pulled out a finished page, she knew this was for her. Since then, she’s graduated to a laptop, but the stories still find a way out.
