Governance of Addictions: European Public Policies | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Governance of Addictions: European Public Policies

作者:Ysa, Tamyko/ Colom, Joan/ Albareda, Adria/ Ramon, Anna/ Carrion, Marina

Why is governance of addiction so difficult? What can we learn from recent experiences and efforts in Europe? Governance of Addictions analyses the multidisciplinary research which has been used as a framework for understanding how governments formulate and implement addiction policies in 27 European Union member states plus Norway, looking in detail at four substances: heroin, cannabis, alcohol and tobacco. Presenting the methodological design for the study research, this book comprehensively analysing international trends, with a special focus on the role of the EU and its governance of addictions modes, this volume sheds light on the current situation of the governance of addictive substances and behaviours and facilitate new approaches to dealing with addiction. Based on the research from ALICE RAP (Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe, Reframing Addictions Project), a unique project studying the place of addictive substances and behaviours in contemporary European society, Governance of Addictions is essential reading for policy-makers, public managers, practitioner and stakeholders influencing policy for addictive substances and behaviours, as well as academics and public health professionals.

Tamyko Ysa, Associate Professor, Institute for Public Management and Governance and Department of Strategy and General Management, ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain, Joan Colom, Deputy Director General for Drug Addictions, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain, Adria Albareda, Researcher, Institutefor Public Governance and Management, ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain, Anna Ramon, Researcher, Public Health Department, Government of Catalonia and Associate Professor, University of Barcelona, Spain, , Marina Carrion, Researcher, Public Health Department, Government of Catalonia, Spain, Lidia Segura, Coordinator, Implementation of policies and prevention programmes on alcohol, Catalonia, Spain, Dr Tamyko Ysa. PhD in Political Science, Executive Master in Public Management, MSc in Public Administration and Public Policies (LSE), BA in Political Science, BA in Law. Associate Professor of the Department of Strategy and General Management and of the Institute for Public Governance and Management at ESADE Business School. She has published in journals such as "Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory," "International Public Management Journal," "Journal of Business Ethics" or "Public Money & Management." Her previous books and chapters include "Governments and Corporate Social Responsibility: Public Policies beyond Regulation and Voluntary Compliance" and "New Steering Concepts in Public Management." Joan Colom. Medical doctor, Executive Master in Public Management (ESADE Business School) and Master in Addiction (University of Barcelona). He is the Director of the Program on Substance Abuse, at the Catalan Agency of Public Health of the Government of Catalonia, and Advisor to the World Health Organization. He has promoted the legislation currently in force covering the prevention of drug abuse and addictions in Catalonia. Manager of numerous projects co-financed by the European Commission in the field of alcohol and drugs policies: PHEPA I and II, IMHPA, DATAPREV, MH-BASIS, IMPACT and EWA. He has published in journals on addictions such as "Journal of Drug Alcohol Abuse" and "Psicothema." ’Queen Sofia Award’ for Prevention of substances abuse. Adria Albareda. MSc in International Relations and BA in Political Sciences. Researcher at the Institute for Public Governance and Management of ESADE Business School. He is working on research projects bearing on governance, public management, management of networks and public-private partnerships. He has previously worked at the Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB), where he published on Euro-Mediterranean relations and on Spanish foreign policy. Dr Anna Ramon. PhD in Sociology at the University of Barcelona. Her thesis was "The Structure and Dynamics of Social Capital in Europe." She is currently working as a researcher at the Government of Catalonia and is an associate professor at the University of Barcelona. Her major field of expertise is social network analysis. She has published on the behavioural consequences and risks derived from alcohol and drugs consumption in "Psychology in Spain" and in "BMC Public Health." Marina Carrion. BA in Political Science. She is currently working as a researcher at the Public Health Department of the Government of Catalonia. She worked on the "Qualitative Research in Political Science" handbook. Her areas of interest are public health and the relationship between the government policy and the health of society and individuals. Lidia Segura. Clinical psychologist, addiction and Public Health specialist. She is the coordinator of the implementation of policies and prevention programs on alcohol in Catalonia. Her research background covers the biological bases of addictions, validation of instruments, clinical trials, and implementation of programs. She has worked as a coordinator of three European projects: PHEPA I, PHEPA II and EWA.
