Introduction to the Hospitality Industry, 7/e | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Introduction to the Hospitality Industry, 7/e

作者:Clayton W. BarrowsTom Powers

  Students preparing to work in hospitality will enter a field that is quickly evolving. The rise of the global economy, ecotourism, internet commerce, and changing consumer demands are just some of the factors they will be dealing with in this exciting and dynamic industry.
  The Seventh Edition of Introduction to the Hospitality Industry gives students the foundation they need to thrive in today's hospitality industry, covering everything from finance to operational issues. In this latest edition, the authors have brought the text thoroughly up to date by featuring new and emerging companies, new technologies, and new ways of doing business. Written in a clear, accessible style and richly illustrated, the text offers a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the field. Upon successful completion of this text, readers will have a strong overview of the industry, where it fits into the broader world, the major issues and challenges in the field, and the many possible career paths that await them.
Clayton W. Barrows
  Clayton W. Barrows is Professor of Hospitality Management at the University of New Hampshire.
Tom Powers
  Tom Powers is Professor Emeritus at the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.

Preface. PART ONE: PERSPECTIVES ON CAREERS IN HOSPITALITY.Chapter 1: The Hospitality Industry And You. Chapter 2: Forces Affecting Growth And Change In The Hospitality Industry.
PART TWO: FOOD SERVICE.Chapter 3: The Restaurant Business. Chapter 4: Restaurant Operations. Chapter 5: Restaurant Industry Organization: Chain, Independent, Or Franchise? Chapter 6: Competitive Forces In Food Service. Chapter 7: On-Site Food Service. Chapter 8: Issues Facing Food Service.
PART THREE: LODGING.Chapter 9: Lodging: Meeting Guest Needs. Chapter 10: Hotel And Lodging Operations. Chapter 11: Forces Shaping The Hotel Business. Chapter 12: Competition In The Lodging Business.
PART FOUR: TRAVEL AND TOURISM.Chapter 13: Tourism: Front And Center. Chapter 14: Destinations: Tourism Generators. PART FIVE: HOSPITALITY AS A SERVICE INDUSTRY. Chapter 15: The Role Of Service In The Hospitality Industry. Index.
