Fluvial Processes: Theory and Applications: Volume 1: Drivers and Conditions of River Channel Character and Change | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Fluvial Processes: Theory and Applications: Volume 1: Drivers and Conditions of River Channel Character and Change

作者:Chalov, Roman S.

Roman S. Chalov is World’s Leading Scientist in fluvial geomorphology and fluvial river processes.He graduated from the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, in 1961. He completed his Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1978) and Professor at Moscow State University (since 1984).He served as Professor of the Hydrology Department, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University. He is a Head of the Makkaveev’s Laboratory (institute) of Soil Erosion and Fluvial Processes (Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University). His research interests include fluvial processes, sediment transport, river channel and erosion, river hydrology.He is Vice-President of the Russian Academy of the Water Resources Research Problems, corresponding member of the European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC). For more than 10 years, he served as a member of the World Association on Sedimentation and Erosion Research Council. Since the beginning, he serves as a President of the Interinstitutional Scientific Coordinational Council on Erosion, River Channel, and Mouth Processes Research Problems, which is the largest union and truly home of fluvial geomorphologists of Russia and post-Soviet countries.He supervised 39 Ph.D. students who successfully defended Ph.D. thesis, among them scientists from Russia, Ukraine, China, and Mongolia. He has over two hundred academic disciples.
