The Long Tail | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

The Long Tail

作者:Chris Anderson

企業界向來奉80/20法則為鐵律,認為80%的業績來自20%的產品;企業看重的是曲線左端的少數暢銷商品,曲線右端的多數商品,則被認為不具銷售力。但本書指出,網際網路的崛起已打破這項鐵律,99% 的產品都有機會銷售,「長尾」商品將鹹魚翻身。
What happens when there is almost unlimited choice? When everything becomes available to everyone? And when the combined value of the millions of items that only sell in small quantities equals or even exceeds the value of a handful of best-sellers?
In this ground-breaking book, Chris Anderson shows that the future of business does not lie in hits - the high-volume end of a traditional demand curve - but in what used to be regarded as misses - the endlessly long tail of that same curve. As our world is transformed by the Internet and the near infinite choice it offers consumers, so traditional business models are being overturned and new truths revealed about what consumers want and how they want to get it.
Chris Anderson first explored the Long Tail in an article in Wired magazine that has become one of the most influential business essays of our time. Now, in this eagerly anticipated book, he takes a closer look at the new economics of the Internet age, showing where business is going and exploring the huge opportunities that exist: for new producers, new e-tailers, and new tastemakers. He demonstrates how long tail economics apply to industries ranging from the toy business to advertising to kitchen appliances. He sets down the rules for operating in a long tail economy. And he provides a glimpse of a future that's already here.
克里斯.安德森(Chris Anderson)
自二○○一年起擔任美國《連線》雜誌(Wired)總編輯。在他的領導之下,《Wired》雜誌五度獲得「美國國家雜誌獎」(National Magazine Award)的提名,並在二○○五年獲得「卓越雜誌獎」(General Excellence)首獎。他在同一年也獲《廣告年代》(Advertising Age)封為「年度編輯」(editor of the year)。他曾服務於《經濟學人》(The Economist)、《自然》(Nature)、以及《科學》(Science)等雜誌。他也曾在Los Alamos國家實驗室擔任研究員,並在交通部(Department of Transportation)擔任首席科學家的研究助理。他目前和妻子與四個小孩住在北加州。聯絡網頁為
