There’s More to Life Than the Corner Office: The Secret to Total Life Prosperity | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年10月

There’s More to Life Than the Corner Office: The Secret to Total Life Prosperity

作者:Smith, Lamar/ Kling, Tammy

  ‧ 重拾鬥志:別讓您的職涯計畫變成保持現況。想開拓造就真正成長的機會,您必須靠自己。
  ‧ 謹防目標沉迷:不要把所有的精力都集中在同一個目標,因為你可能因此看不到扼殺成功的絆腳石。
  ‧ 把握每一個機會:一個平衡、各方兼具的生活讓您能更客觀地看待這個世界,不錯過任何新的機會。
萊馬.史密斯(Lamar Smith)
  首督財務規劃公司(First Command Financial Services)前董事長,是專業的財務規劃師。其公司擁有超過30萬名客戶,管理的資產達186億。史密斯同時也是功勛彪秉的戰機飛官。
泰咪.可琳(Tammy Kling)
  是企管書作家,曾與戴歐(Dial)公司的前執行長包賀伯(Herb Baum)合著《看得見的領導》(The Trasparent Leader)一書。
When you''re working in the fast lane, it''s easy to keep your eye trained on personal performance, profitable deals, and every rung of the corporate ladder. But what happens when your climb to success leads to a dead end? When the coveted office with the prime view and corporate board access not only overpowers everything else that''s meaningful--but sabotages your ability to target new opportunities? There''s More to Life Than the Corner Office tells the story of Patrick Mitchell, a young, up-and-coming dealmaker with energy and ideas to burn. Patrick is powered by his desire to stake a claim in his own corner office, until a fateful encounter with business icon Al Crafton changes his life. With a remarkable blend of intelligence, creativity, and patience, the older executive walks him through a set of lessons that forces Patrick to examine his life, his failing marriage, and his career choices--and to see new paths to true fulfillment and unique business prospects. There''s More to Life Than the Corner Office will show you how to: Get back in the driver''s seat: Don''t let the status quo direct your career path--only you can tap into the opportunities that can lead to real growth Beware of target fixation: When all your energy is focused on one goal, you can lose sight of obstacles that can sabotage your success Embrace every opportunity: A balanced, well-rounded life leads to a more objective world view, which can show you new avenues of productivity you''d otherwise missPacked with insightful wisdom and solid methodologies, There''s More to Life Than the Corner Office will help you plot your own path to spiritual, physical, mental, and career success. Because when you begin the quest for true fulfillment, you''ll be primed to make the most of every moment, every encounter, and every opportunity that comes your way.
