Hayao Miyazaki吉卜力工作室授權《宮崎駿》奇幻世界 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Hayao Miyazaki吉卜力工作室授權《宮崎駿》奇幻世界


  每年舉辦「奧斯卡」的美國電影藝術與科學學院籌備多年打造的「奧斯卡電影博物館」(Academy Museum of Motion Pictures)於2021年9月洛杉磯開幕,首個展覽即以2003 年憑藉《神隱少女》拿下奧斯卡最佳動畫長片的日本動畫大師-宮崎駿為主題,帶大家走進宮崎駿的奇幻世界。
  這本《Hayao Miyazaki》宮崎駿同名精裝書籍,為奧斯卡電影博物館向宮崎駿致敬的展覽官方導覽書,並與吉卜力工作室(Studio Ghibli)密切合作,收錄宮崎駿大師上百張原創創作素材:包含從未曝光過的插圖與手稿,裡頭涵蓋大量的草稿、角色設計、分鏡圖、故事布局、靈感背景等。內含宮崎駿導演11部重要的動畫電影共300張圖片:從早期的《龍貓(1988)》、《魔女宅急便(1989)》、《魔法公主(1997)》、《神隱少女(2001)》到《霍爾的移動城堡(2004)》帶領粉絲走進宮崎駿的創作歷程與領略大師般的動畫技巧。
  A richly illustrated journey through the extraordinary cinematic worlds of beloved filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki

  For over four decades, Hayao Miyazaki has been enchanting audiences of all ages. His animated films, often featuring children navigating unfamiliar and challenging worlds, offer timeless explorations of youth and what it means to grow up. Celebrated and admired around the globe for his artistic vision, craftsmanship and deeply humanistic values, Miyazaki has influenced generations of artists. The universal appeal of his evocative natural settings and complex characters, many among them strong girls and young women, cuts across cultural boundaries.

  This book is published on the occasion of the 2021 inaugural exhibition at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles, in collaboration with Studio Ghibli in Tokyo. It accompanies the first ever retrospective dedicated to the legendary filmmaker in North America and introduces hundreds of original production materials, including artworks never before seen outside of Studio Ghibli’s archives. Concept sketches, character designs, storyboards, layouts, backgrounds and production cels from his early career through all 11 of his feature films, including My Neighbor Totoro (1988), Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989), Princess Mononoke (1997), Spirited Away (2001) and Howl’s Moving Castle (2004), offer insight into Miyazaki’s creative process and masterful animation techniques.
