China One, the Love of Luxe: Strategy and Framework Development Towards Chinese Young Luxury Consumers | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

China One, the Love of Luxe: Strategy and Framework Development Towards Chinese Young Luxury Consumers

作者:Wang, Elise Ran

China One, the Love of Luxe By Elise Ran Wang As luxury brand executives, marketers, analysts or strategists, it is very important to understand the Chinese luxury market and the Chinese luxury consumers who are driving the demand for luxury goods and leading the future direction of the luxury market. This book will provide a unique perspective through an in-depth examination of the Chinese luxury market, especially a specific group of young luxury consumers who are called the "China One," as they are the first generation born under China's "One-Child Policy" at the beginning of China's new open-economic-environment. In "China One, the Love of Luxe", you will learn: - The overview of global luxury market, Chinese luxury market and the consumers - The historical background of the China Ones - China Ones' value system and preference toward luxury shopping - Primary research insights towards China Ones' luxury shopping behaviors - Frameworks and strategies targeting in on the China Ones - Original segmentation development towards China One luxury consumers - Practical recommendations and future directions Combining with an increasing usage of social media, high involvement of technology as well as a maturing value system and related behaviors toward luxury shopping, China Ones will be the most important consumer group of all the luxury brands to study in the short and the long-term future. The battlefield of luxury goods is no longer defined with geographic locations. Internet e-commerce, the trend of luxury shopping while traveling, dependent connections between areas, brands, and groups of people have taken the war into a new dimension. The competition among luxury brands has become the war of winning the heart of their consumers. In the war of leading the Chinese luxury market, winning the China Ones' hearts will ensure the victory on the battlefield at present as well as in the immediate future.

Elise Ran Wang is a practitioner-scholar who holds two Master degrees in Luxury Marketing and Design Management; She is an architect of marketing strategies and frameworks, an entrepreneur and a world-wanderer. Her work explores a wide range of domains such as the dynamics of consumer behaviors and emergent marketing trends, brand strategies and organizational development, social network analysis, methods of contextual research and business model innovation. These topics are not applied in isolation, but are blended together to shape a powerful approach to discovering and creating original, human-centric solutions to the ever changing world. Prior to undertaking multiple Master’s degrees in the US, Elise spent several years in China on creative business development, events management, as well as brand strategy consulting. Now she aspires to leverage the full scope of her experiences to build frameworks that catalyze creative potential to help global brands and companies continue growth, especially in mainland China.
