Developing Civic Engagement in Urban Public Art Programs | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年9月

Developing Civic Engagement in Urban Public Art Programs

作者:Deshazo, Jessica L. (EDT)/ Smith, Zachary (EDT)

What can public art do for a community? How can city governments and others that create public art develop projects that build community and engage civil society? Creating Civic Engagement in Urban Public Art addresses these and other critical questions. It demonstrates how public art can build community unity, identity and cohesiveness. The focus of this original work is how cities engage their citizens through public art. What has been successful and what has failed? Through case studies of cities that have public art programs - some successful at citizen engagement others less so - the reader will learn how to design public art programs that build community.

Jessica DeShazo teaches Arts and Cultural Management at California State University, Los Angeles in the graduate program in public administration. Zachary Smith is a Regents’ Professor at Northern Arizona University where he has taught Arts Management for several years. He is the author of more than 20 books and dozens of articles dealing with local government and environmental matters
