Enterprise Level Security 2: Advanced Topics in an Uncertain World | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Enterprise Level Security 2: Advanced Topics in an Uncertain World

作者:Foltz, Kevin,Simpson, William,Institute for Defense Analyses

Dr. Kevin E. Foltz, Institute for Defense Analyses, has over a decade of experience working to improve security in information systems. He has presented and published research on different aspects of enterprise security, security modeling, and high assurance systems. He also has degrees in Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Strategic Security Studies.Dr. William R. Simpson, Institute for Defense Analyses, has over two decades of experience working to improve systems security. He has degrees in Aeronautical Engineering and Business Administration, as well as undergoing military and government training. He spent many years as an expert in aeronautics before delving into the field of electronic and system testing, and he has spent the last 20 years on IT-related themes (mostly security, including processes, damage assessments of cyber intrusions, IT security standards, IT security evaluation, and IT architecture).
