Still Life With Bread Crumbs | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Still Life With Bread Crumbs

作者:Quindlen, Anna


   攝影工作遇到瓶頸,銀行存款也幾近見底的60歲紐約客Rebecca,為了生活不得不從曼哈頓遷移到一個無名小鎮,在那裡遇見一個站在樹上蓋屋頂的男子Jim Bates,自此人生轉個彎,相機觀景窗外的天地寬闊得令她訝異,日常生活裡的孤單失落、歡笑悲傷似乎也都有了全新的顏色。
   撰寫《紐約時報》專欄多年,同時也是普利茲獎得主的安娜.昆德蘭,以其長期筆耕不輟的敘事力與對周遭環境敏銳的觀察力,在《Still Life with Bread Crumbs》裡不僅譜寫出一段幽默動人的意外戀曲,也讓身為三明治世代的主角在這趟奇妙旅程中重拾對生活的熱情,領悟到人生就像一則故事,用心改變就能活出屬於自己的豐富精采!(文/博客來編譯)

A superb love story from Anna Quindlen, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Rise and Shine, Blessings, and A Short Guide to a Happy Life

Still Life with Bread Crumbs begins with an imagined gunshot and ends with a new tin roof. Between the two is a wry and knowing portrait of Rebecca Winter, a photographer whose work made her an unlikely heroine for many women. Her career is now descendent, her bank balance shaky, and she has fled the city for the middle of nowhere. There she discovers, in a tree stand with a roofer named Jim Bates, that what she sees through a camera lens is not all there is to life.

Brilliantly written, powerfully observed, Still Life with Bread Crumbs is a deeply moving and often very funny story of unexpected love, and a stunningly crafted journey into the life of a woman, her heart, her mind, her days, as she discovers that life is a story with many levels, a story that is longer and more exciting than she ever imagined.

Praise for Still Life with Bread Crumbs

"There comes a moment in every novelist's career when she . . . ventures into new territory, breaking free into a marriage of tone and style, of plot and characterization, that's utterly her own. Anna Quindlen's marvelous romantic comedy of manners is just such a book. . . . Taken as a whole, Quindlen's writings represent a generous and moving interrogation of women's experience across the lines of class and race. Still Life with Bread Crumbs] proves all the more moving because of its light, sophisticated humor. Quindlen's least overtly political novel, it packs perhaps the most serious punch. . . . Quindlen has delivered a novel that will have staying power all its own."--The New York Times Book Review

" A] wise tale about second chances, starting over, and going after what is most important in life."--Minneapolis Star Tribune

"Quindlen's astute observations . . . are the sorts of details every writer and reader lives for."--Chicago Tribune

" Anna] Quindlen's seventh novel offers the literary equivalent of comfort food. . . . She still has her finger firmly planted on the pulse of her generation."--NPR

"Enchanting . . . The protagonist's] photographs are celebrated for turning the 'minutiae of women's lives into unforgettable images, ' and Quindlen does the same here with her enveloping, sure-handed storytelling."--People

"Charming . . . a hot cup of tea of a story, smooth and comforting about the vulnerabilities of growing older . . . a pleasure."--USA Today

"With spare, elegant prose, Quindlen] crafts a poignant glimpse into the inner life of an aging woman who discovers that reality contains much more color than her own celebrated black-and-white images."--Library Journal

"Quindlen has always excelled at capturing telling details in a story, and she does so again in this quiet, powerful novel, showing the charged emotions that teem beneath the surface of daily life."--Publishers Weekly

"Quindlen presents instantly recognizable characters who may be appealingly warm and nonthreatening, but that only serves to drive home her potent message that it's never too late to embrace life's second chances."--Booklist

"Profound . . . engaging."--Kirkus Reviews


  Anna Quindlen is a novelist and journalist whose work has appeared on fiction, nonfiction, and self-help bestseller lists. Her book A Short Guide to a Happy Life has sold more than a million copies. While a columnist at The New York Times she won the Pulitzer Prize and published two collections, Living Out Loud and Thinking Out Loud. Her Newsweek columns were collected in Loud and Clear. She is the author of seven novels: Object Lessons, One True Thing, Black and Blue, Blessings, Rise and Shine, Every Last One, and Still Life with Bread Crumbs.
