The Carbon Calculator | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年9月

The Carbon Calculator

作者:Lynas, Mark

How to calculate your carbon footprint and practical tips on how to reduce it.Written by Mark Lynas, one of Britain's most respected commentators on environmental issues, The Carbon Calculator shows you how to reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the environment.- Measuring your carbon footprint, from food shopping, to work, holidays, and clothes. The handy carbon calculator takes you through each aspect of everyday living, helping you to assess the impact you are having on the environment.- How do you measure up? Allows you to measure your carbon footprint against averages around the world and guage what sort of targets should you be setting yourself.- How can you improve your carbon footprint? Lots of suggestions on how to adapt your lifestyle to make it more environmentally-friendly.- Who can help? Hints, tips, and advice on who to ask, where to go, and what to do.The Carbon Calculator is printed in Great Britain on FSC approved paper.

Mark Lynas was born in Fiji in 1973 and grew up in Peru, Spain and the UK. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in history and politics. As an author, journalist and environmental activist and has contributed articles to Ecologist, Granta and Geographical magazines as well as The Independent, The Guardian and The Observer. He currently writes a fortnightly environmental column for the New Statesman and recently contributed to an eye-opening book, Fragile Earth: Views of a Changing World, which presents dramatic before and after images of the natural changes that have occurred around the globe in recent years.
