There Is "Moore" to This Story: One Young Man’s True-Life Account of the Struggles He Had With Cancer | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年9月

There Is "Moore" to This Story: One Young Man’s True-Life Account of the Struggles He Had With Cancer

作者:Moore, Brad

This book is a vivid picture of what it was like to be a teenager and find out that you have been diagnosed with cancer. It is also about my experience with cancer and how it not only affected me but changed my life forever. "Brad Moore possesses something very special that seems to be more rare as time goes on: courage. That's the courage to face adversity like he has, looking to God for strength in following His plan. Brad has inspired me to remember that life isn't about making me happy but instead life is set up to draw me to the Lord where I do find true happiness." --Ron Brown Running Back Coach for the University of Nebraska
