推開美國法律之門︰你想知道的美國法律體系的一切(英文版) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月


作者:[美]費曼‧M.費曼(Jay M.Feinman)

《推開美國法律之門》可以看作是一本美國法的微型百科全書,正如其副標題所寫的︰“你需要知道的美國法律體系的一切”,在此書中您都會找到答案。它為大學法學院的學生及每一個想更好地掌握法律問題的人提供了一個豐富的信息資源庫——完整的、清晰的、生動的美國法律體系全貌。 本書不僅向你介紹法律知識,更重要的是,本書通過向你提出一些耐人思索的難題,或法官和律師處理的棘手案例,讓你身臨其境地了解立法的整個過程。讀過此書之後,當再听到法律爭議問題時,你會對其背景和問題的復雜性有更好的理解,而且對事實真相獨立做出更正確的判斷。面對生活中遇到的法律問題你也會有更充分的準備,無論是購置房產還是起訴他人以確保自己的權利等等,都會使讀者從法律的角度思考問題。如果你是學生,無論讀法律還是其它專業,本書能讓你對所法律學科有一個全面了解,而通過其它方式則難以做到。

Preface 1 There Are No Secret Books:You Can Understand the Law 2 Constitutional Law and Constitutional Politics:Interpreting and Applying the Constitution What is Constitutional law Why do we need constitutional law How does the Supreme Court decide what the Constitution means? Where does the Supreme Court get the authority to interpret the constitution When can the Supreme Court hear Constitutional casses What Powers does constitutional law give to the rest of the federal governments? What powers do the states have under constitutional law 3 First Freedoms:Constitutional Rights What rights does constitutional law protect? What is due process? Does constitutional law requitr that everyon be treated equally How des the Constitution protect freedom of speech? What speech in not protected by the First Amendment? How does the Constitution protect freedom of religion? What other rights are protected by the Constitution? 4 Your Day in Court:the Litingation Process What is civil procedure? Why do we need civil litigation and civil procedure? Where do court cases come from? Where can a lawsuit be brought? When can you make a federal case out of it? lf you can sue in different places,what law will apply in each place? How does a lawsuit begin? What can the defendant do to respond to a lawsuit? What if there are more than two parties to a lawsuit? What if there are many parties to a lawsuit? How do the parties discover the facts about their case? What else happens before the trial? That happens at trial? What evidence can be presented at trial? What about the jury? What happens after trial? 5 Auto Accidents,Scalding Coffe,and Medical Malpractice:Personal Injuries and Tort Law What is tort law? Why do we need tort law? ls it a trrt when you hit someone? ls it a tort when you injure someone by not being careful? What does the law mean by reasonable care? How does a plaintiff prove that a defendant has been negligent? What if the victim is partly at fault for an accident? Suppose someone does not intend to injure someone else and acts with reasonable care.Can he or she still be liable in tort? What damages can a plaintiff get in a tort case? When are damages awarded to punish the defendant? 6 When Is a Deal a Deal?:Businesses,Consumers,and Contract Law What is contract law? Why do we need contract law? What is a contract? How do you make a contract? Does a contract have to be in writing to be enforceable? Can anyone make a contract? Once two people make an agreement,is it always enforceable? lf a contract is unfair,can a court refuse to enforce it? Once you make a contract,can you ever get out of it? What happens if one party’s performance depends upon something happening and it doesn’t happen? Will a court order someone to perform a contract? How much does someone have to pay for not keeping a promise? How does the law treat form contracts? 7 You Are What You Own:The Law of Property What is property law? Why do we need property law? What kinds of property are there? How can someone acquire property? How is property purchased and sold? How is property transferred on death? What is a trust? How do people own property collectively? How is the use of property controlled over time? How else can ownership of property be shared? What are the property rights of a landlord and a tenant? When can the government lake your property? 8 From Insanity to In Cold Blood:Criminal Responsibility and Criminal Law What is criminal law? Why do we need criminal law? What is a criminal act? Does someone have to mean to commit a crime to be guilty? When is self-defense justified? ln what other circumstances is someone justified in committing a crime? Why are criminals allowed to plead insanity as a defense? What other defenses are available? Can someone be convicted for almost committing a crime? What is homicide? Why is rape law so controversial? 9 Protecting the Innocent,Freeing the Guilty:Criminal Procedure What is criminal procedure? Why do we need criminal procedure? What are the steps in the criminal process? When can the police conduct a search and seizure? What is the privilege against self-incrimination? What happens if police violate a defendant’s rights? What is plea bargaining? Why do we have juries? What is the adversary process? How does sentencing work? What about the death penalty? Why does it seem that criminal appeals go on so long? Conclusion Index of Legal Cases Index
