Forex Trading Systems: Shocking Underground Sleek Secrets And Weird Should Be Illegal But Profitable Tricks To Easy Instant Forex Millionaire | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Forex Trading Systems: Shocking Underground Sleek Secrets And Weird Should Be Illegal But Profitable Tricks To Easy Instant Forex Millionaire

作者:X, Trader

If you are like me, I think you should be 'slapped'... HARD Recently a very gifted and talented trader"reached out to me, took me by the collar, looked me straight in the eye, and then slapped me hard " Like a painful 5 finger slap. Not really, but it sure felt like that. Actually you can still see the five fingers pattern on my face almost... What I'm trying to say is that even Trader X can learn a couple of new tricks. Tricky tricky. So actually I got five new tricks for you one for every finger that was slapped on my face. Well, you may as well call it the new face of TRADING. Here we go. Are you ready? WORING The content shared here may cause you to become extremely filthy rich and glamorously famous. If these two conditions are severely dangerous for you DO not proceed beyond this point. Further after reading and applying these concept a strange items may appear in your driveway (think Ferraris and Lambos) If you are highly allergic to any of these items or money and fame make you puke I would highly suggest going to "you know where" before we can continue. 1. Forex has little to do with how the market is behaving and more importantly with where is the market right now? Now, I am not speaking about a physical location here. Pay Attention. The market is always at a precise address. Know the markets correct address and you will get loads of mail loaded with cold wet hard cash. Word of caution "don't wet your pants when you get it." I mean the cash. Think ( round numbers). Round numbers are always a good address to be at and you receive a cashollahh-la-la loaded mail. 2. Find out where the losers are and don't try to be a pathetic one Why am I saying that? You are correct. Yes you are. "Why the heck I need to know where the losers are." Well for one so you don't become one. If you have been living under a rock or been in a comma for the last 10 years and just woke up...Let me break it up for you. L-O-S-E-R-S make 95% of all Forex participants. That's right they are here to participate by losing their behinds. But you can skip getting your but whipped out by knowing where these poor souls are and most importantly where they are heading. Pause and think about this. Take a deep breath. It will down on you. Losers are always exiting and running so think (market bottoms and tops) 3. No amount of indicators will make you successful. Yes you heard me right. I have not misspelled indicators. You could call them a money- broker gators. The smart brokers are really advertising and pushing their favorite stochastics or whatever to the traders. See if you follow their advice you might as well give them your wallets. The broker is pushing these sinisterly so they know how the majority of their customers are thinking and can react appropriately. Meaning, putting their dirty fingers in your account. Literally, like finger sucking after getting chicken grease all over your hands. But for some of you this may be too gross, so you should keep reading, but get a paper towel to wipe the grease. 4. Nothing is what is seems like it is. It may appear that you are up for grubbing millions at some point of your trade, but be WORNED. The market is bought only to be sold. This is especially true in Forex. So take your PROFITS while you can see them and more to the next trade. Unless you fully understand how the market moves YOU should not take another trade and lose your precious hard earned money. Well you actually have a choice continue in your old tracks until you lose everything you work so hard for. Or click few buttons like "click-click" push a couple mouse clicks and arrive at your new Forex REALITY. The one sprinkled with expensive cars, houses, pearl white beaches and turquoise blue Caribbean waters. See you in Your New REALITY. Trader X

Trader X is experienced veteran trader. He has earned his badges in the trenches trading Forex as a retail trader. Trader X is self taught hard core down to the ground Forex warrior. He keeps private life, trading Forex form any place a internet is available. In matter of fact Trader X is most likely at a different marine on his private sailboat yacht, most of the time trying to find a favorable spot with a good internet access (not something to take lightly at Islands of the Caribbean, around Tortola in BVI. In a matter of fact trader X is boasting his biggest win around Necker Island in Eur/Usd. Trader X is an avid sailor and a pilot. He considers a break even trade as a win. The believe that to break even in Forex is as hard as winning. It has led Trader X to develop a system that ensures always closing at least some profit and moving the stop to b/e. Trader X is as close you are going to find to a active trader writing a book about trading. Most of his lessons from other famous traders came at the golf course or at sail boat competitions. Trader X is sharing his hard earned knowledge with younger and aspiring traders as a way to give back of the good fortune the Universe AKA GOD has let him experience. Really, there is no fun being a loser in Forex, my material offers you a way out, take the RED PILL of Forex, I have more than 50 titles on the subject of Forex around. Invest in your education, drink from the source. Nutty, details and tails about winning and losing in Forex, learn the truth, don’t be stuck with the brokers lies. No matter which pair or currencies you are trading, I offer you easy, step by step, no BS, real solutions. No hard work involved, just work smart, lazy man’s solutions to profit with Forex, based on hard knocks in the trenches painful trading experience. Yeah you don’t need to find all the wrong ways to trade; I have already done the hard work for you. Just read the material and hit the road running. Bluntly, you have two options, spend countless of hours in front of your monitor, eyes getting so big, you can hang your hat on them. Try all the worthless forex systems, learn about all the evasive gurus in Forex, lose thousands of dollars trying all of the above and may be, you will arrive at a profitable solution. Or there is a easier choice, steal all of my systems and strategies, look over my shoulder as I show you the exact charts and thinking and methods I am using to pull huge moolah from the market. You can do it too!
