Business Vocabulary in Use: Elementary to Pre-intermediate | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

Business Vocabulary in Use: Elementary to Pre-intermediate

作者:Mascull, Bill


  Business Vocabulary in Use 系列是為不同程度的職場人士所設計的「商用字彙」用書。教材編排沿用Vocabulary in Use系列編排特色,左頁提供字彙講解和例句,右頁提供各式習題,例如:句型或文章填空、改寫、配合題等,方便師生快速查詢與學習。融入最新的商業主題,讓商用字彙學習更完善,是職場人士、商學院學生必備的商用英語工具書。初級課程從基本的數字、時間表達,進階至品管、行銷、客戶維護等較艱深的課題,學習者可依需求自行選擇使用,能有效提升商用英語應用能力。中級與高級課程則以商業文章或短文來解釋字彙,主題較為廣泛,甚至是中高階主管以上所會用到的字彙,例如:管理、團隊組織、企業流程再造工程(BRP- business process re-engineering )、強弱優劣分析(SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)、股東權益報酬率(ROE- Return on Equity)等。


  The essential book for professionals and students looking to expand their business vocabulary. Bringing learners up to date with the language they need for business today, this book explains words and expressions, provides practice in using the new language, and also reflects recent developments in technology and business practice. With vocabulary drawn from the Cambridge International Corpus, a collection of real English compiled from authentic sources, learners can be sure that the language they’re learning is up-to-date, relevant and natural. In addition, frequent notes are based on data from the Cambridge Learner Corpus.
