管理會計:概念與應用 | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月



本書在一個統一的框架下,闡釋了管理會計的相關概念及應用。全書圍繞商業活動組織內容,強調商業行為的現實性,兼顧了對管理會計程序的介紹和對決策的強調,注重使不同層次的學生理解會計在商業中的作用。讀者不僅能學習到如何進行會計核算,還可以理解如何利用管理會計信息進行有效的商業決策。 本書簡明、生動,應用了大量領先企業的真實案例來進行闡述,同時內容覆蓋了不同層次。教師授課時可以靈活選擇。

PART ONE FOUNDATIONS OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING1 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING AND COST CONCEPTS  Management Accounting as a Competitive T001  Management Accounting and Financial Accounting PLanning  Controlling  Evaluating Managerial Accounting Terminology  Terms Used in Planning and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis  Terms Related to Controlling Product Cost Flows  Terms Related to Evaluation and Decision Making  The Role of Ethics in Management Accounting.  End-of-Chapter Materials 2 COST FLows AND BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS  The Flow of Products and Costs in Manufacturing Firms  The Product Costing System  Accounting for Overhead  Estimated Manufacturing Overhead  Actual Manufacturing Overhead.  Applied Manufacturing Overhead  Disposition ofOver-and UnderappliedManufacturing  0verhead  The Cost of Goods Manufactured Schedule   The F10w of Products and Costs in Service and  Mechan dising Firms  Comparing Service and Manufacturing Business Activities  Product Cost Accumulation in Service Organizations  Product Cost Accumulation in Merchandising  Organizations  The Process Costing System  Steps in Process Costing  End-of-Chapter Materials. 3 ACTIVITY-BASED COSTING Activity-Based Costing  Introduction to Lity Ice Cream Company  The Basics ofABC  overhead Cost Activities.  Analyze Individual Overhead Costs  Cost Drivers  Assigning Overhead to Production Using ABC.  Making Decisions Using ABC Data  Summary  End—of-Chapter Materials  Comprehensive Problem 1-3  PART TWO MAKING DECISIONS USING MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING 4 COST BEHAVIOR AND DECISiONS USING C。V。P ANALYSIS  Understanding W.hy C-v-P Analysis Is Important  Basic Cost Behavior Patterns  Measuring Level ofActivity  Variable Costs  Fixed Costs  Mixed Costs.  Analysis of Mixed Costs  The Scattergraph,or Visual-Fit,Method  The High-Low Method.  A Comparison ofthe Scattergraph and High-Low Methods.  Methods of C-V-P Analysis  Contribution Margin   The C-V-P EquaHon  Measuring the Effect ofPotential Changes in C-V-P VariaOles.  Using Graphs to「See」C-V-P Relationships.  The Profit Graph  A Comparison ofGV-P Graphs with C-V-P EquaOons  Sales Mix  Cost Structure and Operating Leverage  End-of-Chapter Materials5 RELEVANT INFORMATION AND DECISIONS6 CAPITAL INVESTMENT DECISIONSPART THREE CONTROL IN A MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM7 BUDGETING AND CONTROL8 CONTROLLING COST,AND INVESTMENTPART FOUR CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT IN MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING9 NEW MEASURES OF PERFORMANCEAPPENDICESA GLOSSARYB CHECK FIGURES
