Advance Spice Model for Gan Hemts: A New Industry-Standard Compact Model for Gan-Based Power and RF Circuit Design | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年10月

Advance Spice Model for Gan Hemts: A New Industry-Standard Compact Model for Gan-Based Power and RF Circuit Design

作者:Khandelwal, Sourabh

Sourabh Khandelwal is Senior Lecturer at the School of Engineering at Macquarie University Sydney. . He is the lead developer of ASM--HEMT compact model, which is a new industry standard compact model for GaN RF and power devices. Earlier to this role, Manager of Berkeley Device Modeling Center and Postdoctoral Researcher at the BSIM group at University of California Berkeley. Before that, he worked as Research Engineer at IBM Semiconductor Research. He has over 200 publications in top-tier conferences and journals in the area of semiconductor device modeling and circuit design..
