國際商務研究性教學設計(英文版) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月


作者:譚會萍 主編

《國際商務研究性教學設計》用英語編寫,共三篇十二章。第一篇培養研究素質第一章塑造個人商務素質:第二章解決問題的方法;第三章有效的學習方法。第二篇研究技能訓練:第四章商務圖表分析;第五章網絡資源搜索:第六章學術研究與寫作;第七章演講技能與方法。第三篇商務研究實踐:第八章出口行銷計划:第九章跨國公司分析;第十章進出口交易:第十一章企業財務分析;第十二章外匯交易。 《國際商務研究性教學設計》可作為教師講授國際商務(雙語)課程的參考書和實踐教學的指導書、學生參加研究性學習和用英語學習國際商務知識的參考書,同時也可作為對國際商務和英語感興趣人士的閱讀書籍。

Part I Research Qualification Cultivation Chapter One Developing Business Personality I. Changing roles and responsibilities of business schools II. Students’’ responsibilities in professional development III. The business personality IV. Creative activities to develop your business personality V. Conclusions References Chapter Two Problem-Solving Methodology I. Personal / cultural differences II. Universal approach 1. Problem-solving scenario 2. Seeking out and defining the problem: 5 whys 3. Identifying alternative solutions 4. Evaluation and choosing the appropriate alternative 5. Implementation 6. Monitor and control outcomes III. Barriers to problem-solving 1. Heuristics 2. Procrastination 3. Dissonance reduction 4. Decision confirmation 5. Defensive avoidance 6. Incrementalizing 7. Conservative information analysis 8. Groupthink 9. Time and cost constraints IV. Utilization of exercises 1. Five-square configuration 2. Nine dots 3. Exercise solutions References Chapter Three Efficient Learning Style I. Leaning styles 1. Visual learning 2. Auditory learning 3. Kinesthetic (Experience) learning II. Study preparation 1. My method of study 2. Additional methods of studying Ill. Presentation in English 1. How to format and present a presentation 2. How to prepare a presentation IV. Practicing English 1. Speak English with your friends 2. Watch the entire show or movie in English 3. Make friends with any English speaking students on campus 4. Practice writing and reading comprehension on line V. How to prepare for life abroad 1. Cultural differences 2. How to succeed in America VI. Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) exam 1. What is CGBP 2. The benefits of CGBP ReferencesPart II Research Technique Approach Chapter Four Business Graph Analysis I. Why make a graph analysis II. Types of graphs 1. A bar graph 2. A pie graph 3. A curve graph 4. A table Part III Research in Business Cycle
