The Psychology of the Arab: The Influences That Shape an Arab Life | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年10月

The Psychology of the Arab: The Influences That Shape an Arab Life

作者:Kafaji, Talib

The Psychology of The Arab deals with: The domination of the ruthless Arab rulers who have inflected enormous pain and suffering on the populace, and who are intoxicated with the pathology of narcissism . The entire energy of the Arab population has to go toward massaging the Ego of these megalomaniacal leaders. They have split personality-both parts evil- Religion is a big piece of the fabric of Arab society. Arab are inclined to focus solely on the ritualistic part of religion and ignore the foundation of religion which is the faith in the Almighty God. Sadly, Arab have never deeply absorbed the true teaching of God. In the time of Jaheliah- time before Islam-, Arab used to feel ashamed of having a baby girl. Thus, they used to bury the girl alive. The strict adherence to the practice of virginity has kept the Arab woman in such miserable place . Psychologically, virginity represents to a man that he is the first conqueror of a woman, as if he is in battle and the blood from deflowering woman represent his victory. Arab are inclined to overemphasize the significant of the words and pay less regard to action. That can be also a result of the psychological replacement of action by words . Throughout history, Arab have been traders. Thus, their way of thinking is inclined to be in terms of benefits and losses, and that has been reflected in the way how they deal with each other.
