論自由(英文版) | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月



密爾是19世紀英國著名哲學家、邏輯學家和自由主義思想家。《論自由》是密爾具個人特色,也是影響大程度的一部著作。這部論述自由主義理論的代表作,也是西方政治哲學和人文教育的一部經典教材,以致被人認為如果不讀它,就不了解自由主義的真諦。一個半世紀以來,本書不僅對於西方的思想界產生了持久而深遠的影響,而且對東方的思想啟蒙和社會變革也產生了重要的沖擊。約翰·斯圖爾特·密爾(1806—1873) 生於英國倫敦,英國哲學家、經濟學家、法學家,古典自由主義的集大成者。自幼在父親的嚴厲管教下受教於英國和法國,為《旅行者》、《編年史早報》、《威斯敏斯特評論》、《法學家》等刊物撰稿,后主編《倫敦評論》。在此期間的著述被收入《論文集》(1859)。密爾主要著作有《邏輯方法》(1843)、《政治經濟學原理》(1848)、《論自由》(1859)、《代議制政府》(1861)等。

IntroductionNote on the TextSelect BibliographyA Chronology of John Stuart MillON LIBERTYI. introductoryII. Of the Liberty of Thought and DiscussionIIIi. Of Individuality, as One of the Elements of Well-BeingIV. Of the Limits to the Authority of Society over the IndividualV. ApplicationsUTILITARIANISMI. General RemarksII. What Utilitarianism isIII. Of the Ultimate Sanction of the Principle of UtilityIV. Of What Sort of Proof the Principle of Utility is SusceptibleV. On the Connection between Justice and UtilityCONSIDERATIONS ON REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENTI. To What Extent Forms of Government are a Matter of ChoiceII. The Criterion of a Good Form of GovernmentIII. That the Ideally Best Form of Government is Representative GovernmentIV. Under What social Conditions Representative Government is InapplicableV. Of the Proper Functions of Representative BodiesVI. Of the Infirmities and Dangers to which Representative Government is LiableViI. Of True and False Democracy; Representation of All, and Representation of the Majority OnlyVIII. Of the Extension of the SuffrageIX. Should there be Two Stages of Election?X. Of the Mode of VotingXI. Of the Duration of ParliamentsXII. Ought Pledges to be Required from Members of Parliament?XIII. Of a Second ChamberXIV. Of the Executive in a Representative GovernmentXV. Of Local Representative BodiesXVI. Of Nationality, as Connected with Representative GovernmentXVII. Of Federal Representative GovernmentsXVIII. Of the Government of Dependencies by a Free StateTHE SUBJECTION OF WOMENI.II.III.IV.Explanatory NotesIndex
