I Saw Petra: The Rose-Red City of the Dead, A Personal Account of the Author’s Visit to the Most Mysterious Ruins in the World | 被動收入的投資秘訣 - 2024年7月

I Saw Petra: The Rose-Red City of the Dead, A Personal Account of the Author’s Visit to the Most Mysterious Ruins in the World

作者:Talbot, Louis T.

To visit Petra, that incredible rose-colored ruin of antiquity, mysteriously concealed from this modern world in a remote rocky basin of Trans-Jordania, between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, had been my ambition for years. This desire was deepened by travel reports I had heard and read and by pictures I had seen, but, most of all, by an intensive study of the Word of God in which it seemed to me that Petra held a strategic spot both in fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecy. So when on a recent missionary survey for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, my travels took me in that direction, and I was permitted not only to behold with my own eyes that astonishing site, but also to photograph it for missionary purposes, my delight and gratitude knew no bounds. It was the fulfillment of a cherished dream.
